We are today developing vaccines against diseases for which there are pressing needs: These include HIV malaria, Dengue, pneumococcal disease, meningitis B, cytomegalovirus, Chlamydia and cancers to name but a few.
目前,我们正为一些亟待攻克的疾病开发新疫苗,其中包括:艾滋病、疟疾、登革热、肺炎球菌感染、B型脑膜炎、巨细胞病毒感染、衣原体感染和癌症等。 |
We are together again after a separation of three years.
离别三年后,我们又在一起了。 |
We are told by moralists with the plainest faces that immorality will spoil our looks.
相貌最丑的道德家告诫我们,道德败坏有损于我们的容貌。 |
We are told that 5,000 Americans died on June 6, 1944, D-Day, but that is a statistic.
我们知道,有5000名的美国人死于1944年6月6日的登陆日作战,但那仅仅是个统计数字。 |
We are told that his PS is 1 and that his laboratory profile is normal.
我们被告知他的PS=1,实验室检查结果正常。 |
We are told that not just the Sedition Act can be used, so can the Internal Security Act which allows for detention without trial.
我们被告诉说不只是煽动法可以用,内安法也可以用来不经审判地拘留我们。 |
We are told that the Indonesia poor Malay suffered a lot under Suharto's corrupted regime, and they wanted change.
贫苦的马来人在苏的独裁统治下受难多年,现在是他们来改变这种状况的时候了。 |
We are told that the Indonesia poor Malay suffered a lot under Suharto's corrupted regime, and they wanted change.
贫苦的马来人在苏的独裁统治下受难多年,现在是他们来改变这种状况的时候了。 |
We are told that the people of 802701 in The Time Machine and the men from Mars are neither better nor happier than the human beings we know.
我们所知道的在《时间机器》中公元802701年的人们以及来自火星的人们并不比我们现在所知的人类幸福多少。 |
We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail.
我们被要求去记住这个想法,不是这个人,因为人可以失败. |
We are too apt to overlook our own faults.
我们很容易忽视自己的过错。 |