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In a not dissimilar way, the chief reason is because those romanticist cannot fully understand the pith of work to any relationship, whether it is passionate, mental or economic.

In a new study, retina stem cells harvested at a particular stage of development successfully restored visual function in mice affected by a common cause of blindness also found in humans, known as photoreceptor loss. 在一项最新研究中,在发育的特定阶段收集的视网膜干细胞成功恢复了光感受器丧失小鼠的视力,光感受器丧失的疾病也见于人类。
In a new twist on the influx of Polish workers to Britain, an ad appeared in newspapers serving Muslim communities in the east European nation asking for Polish halal butchers to work in Britain. 随着越来越多的波兰人进入英国工作,欧洲东部穆斯林社区报纸上出现招聘波兰清真肉屠宰师去英国工作的广告。
In a new twist on the influx of Polish workers to Britain, anadappeared in newspapers serving Muslim communities in theeastEuropean nation asking for Polish halal butchers to workinBritain. 2006年奇闻怪事大集锦2-随着越来越多的波兰人进入英国工作,欧洲东部穆斯林社区报纸上出现招聘波兰清真肉屠宰师去英国工作的广告。
In a nice bit of foreshadowing, Harry noticed them in the clearing where Hagrid first taught the fifth years about thestrals (OP21). 作为一种很显著的预示,当海格第一次教五年级学生夜骐的知识时(OP21),哈利注意到空地上有紫杉树。
In a not dissimilar way, marriage and friendship explore deeper emotions and they devoutly seek for real values. (例子)同样,婚姻与友情是对更高层次情感的探索:它们是对真正价值的虔诚求索。
In a not dissimilar way, the chief reason is because those romanticist cannot fully understand the pith of work to any relationship, whether it is passionate, mental or economic. (用法)用以表达诸多原因中最重要,最首要的一点。(例子)同样,最主要的原因是因为那些浪漫主义者未经充分理解到对于任何关系的工作核心,它是激情的,心理的或者经济的。
In a not dissimilar way,marriage and friendship is the higher layer exploration of emotion that is the devotional probe into real value. 同样,婚姻与友情是对更高层次情感的探索:它们是对真正价值的虔诚求索。
In a number of cases, Monroe's voyagers beyond the physical have been able to obtain names, addresses, and other information about the spirits of the dead whom they have helped. 在许多案例中,门罗的物质世界之外的旅行者们能够获得他们帮助的亡魂的姓名、地址和其他有关信息。
In a numerical study the influence of various model parameters is investigated and it is shown that the production rate, unit holding cost, and investment cost for postponement can obviously affect to the solution of the revised flow line. 本研究建构产品线的延迟点规划數学决策模式,寻找最低总成本的解,并且以实际範例說明求解的步骤,以及各项系统參數对延迟点规划决策的影响,执行结果显示生产率、单位存货成本、及投资设置成本三者非常影响产品线延迟点规划的决策。
In a nutshell they were afraid that their constituents would rebel against the increases in the prices that would accompany reductions in carbon emissions called for in the Kyoto Accords. 简而言之,他们担心,如果按照《京都议定书》的规定进行减排,随之而来的价格上涨将会导致选民的流失。
In a nutshell this book will allow you to recognize the way to do certain things in order to. 简单地说,这本书将会使你找到做事的正确方法。

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