The ironworks, which cover some 6 ha, dominate the city of Volklingen.
弗尔克林根铁工厂占地面积六公顷,位于德国弗尔克林根市。 |
The irony here, is that many of us are leaders or have the potentials and gifts of leadership but still eager to awaken and develop these in our lifetime.
问题是,很多人虽然是领袖,或者有领袖的潜力或天赋,却仍然期待更充分的成长和发挥。 |
The irony is that despite their dreadful track-record, Kanebo managers have to ask for help under IRCJ rules - nobody can force them to relinquish control.
但具有讽刺意味的是,尽管嘉娜宝管理层过去的经营纪录一团糟,但他们必须按照日本产业再生机构的规则寻求帮助,没人能强迫它们放弃对公司的控制权。 |
The irony is that many specialist detection products (i.e. for detecting spyware or Trojans) are marketed as being necessary because AV only detects viruses.
然而,讽刺的是某些针对特定威胁的产品宣称自己是必要的,因为反病毒软件只侦测“病毒”。 |
The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against it's existence,rather,a condition of it.
尼采:一件事情的不合理性,与其通过驳斥其存在本身来证明,倒不如通过驳斥使这不合理性存在的条件来解释。 |
The irregular dark purple center is a collection of bacteria that are the cause for this abscess.
不规则深紫色的中央区聚集了大量细菌,此种细菌引起了脓肿的发生。 |
The irregular lengthening of a normally short syllable.
一个正常情况下短音节的不规则的延长 |
The irregular nature of this mass suggests that is not just an ordinary leiomyoma.
此肿瘤从大体上显示出与一般的平滑肌瘤有所差别。 |
The irregularities arose in frontal and temporal brain regions and, to our surprise, specifically involved the left hemisphere rather than both sides, as one would expect.
这些异常出现在大脑额叶及颞叶的部位,同时让人惊讶的是,这些失常都集中在大脑的左半球,而非如一般人所想,平均出现在大脑两侧。 |
The irrigated area amount to20000ha.
灌溉面积共达二万公顷。 |
The irrigation periods are regulated in accordance to the vegetative growth, the moisture content of the soil, seasonal factors and so on.
灌溉周期依据植物生长的成长,土壤湿度,季节性因素等等来进行调配。 |