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A heat wave is 8) scorching much of the eastern part of the United States and 9) sections of the Midwest.

A heart-warming approach to the season of snow and ice, from northeastern China. 冬天里来自中国东北的温心接触。
A heart-warming story tells of a woman who decide to ask her boss for a raise in salary.All day she felt nervous and apperhensive.Later in the afternoon she summoned ecourage to approach her employer.To her delight, the boss agree to the raise. 有一个感人的故事,讲的是有个女人终于决定去向老板提出加薪的要求.她一整天都焦虑不安.下午晚些的时候,她鼓起勇气向老板提议.让她感到高兴的是,老板同意给她加薪.
A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary. 有一个感人的故事,讲的是有个女人终于决定去向老板提出加薪的要求。
A heartfelt welcome to everyone! 衷心欢迎你们的到来!
A heat rash, for example, is one of the problems that can make you feel really uncomfortable. 像痱子就是其中一种很不舒服的皮肤问题。
A heat wave is 8) scorching much of the eastern part of the United States and 9) sections of the Midwest. 一股热浪正袭击美国东部大部分和中西部一些地区。
A heat-resistant material used to line puddling furnaces. 隔热材料搅炼炉的打炉底隔热材料.
A heat-sensitive circuit could take readings once a minute and trigger a camera or other power-hungry sensors on the mote to start recording whenever the burrow warms rapidly. 我们可以让热感应电路每隔一分钟读取一次读数,只要洞穴内快速变暖,就启动尘粒内的照相机或其他较为耗电的感测器,开始进行记录。
A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first. 如果双方都先冷静下来,激烈的争执可以处理得好一些。
A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first. 如果双方先冷静下来,一场激烈的争论会解决得好些。
A heated snifter hastens the release of the brandy's bouquet. 加热后的白兰地杯可以更快地释放白兰地中的芳香。

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