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My friend is to take part in the 21st century cup English speech contest, the topic of witch is how to get along with people to help develop a harmonious society, what\'s your opinion?

My friend is called Peter. 我的朋友叫彼得。
My friend is farming in Wales. 我的朋友在威尔士的农场种地。
My friend is heavier than Tom. 我的朋友比汤姆更重。
My friend is ready to cover all of my 1iving expenses. 我的朋友将为我提供全部生活费用。
My friend is the chef-in-chief of this restaurant. 我的朋友是这间饭店的主厨。
My friend is to take part in the 21st century cup English speech contest, the topic of witch is how to get along with people to help develop a harmonious society, what\'s your opinion? 我的一位朋友日前在准备21世纪杯英语演讲比赛,题目是如何处理人际关系以有助于和谐社会的创建,恳请各位仁者见仁,在下敬请赐教.
My friend is visiting us next week, and I have promised to show him around New York. 我朋友下星期来我们家做客,我已答应陪他游览纽约。
My friend is writing her doctoral thesis. 我的朋友正在写她的博士论文。
My friend jumped to the conclusion that I had damaged his new car when he saw the scratches on the door. 我朋友一看到车门上的刮痕,就妄下结论说我弄坏了他的新车。
My friend met me at the airport. 我的朋友到机场接我。
My friend promised me to help me if we meet any wild beasts when we travelled through a forest, but when the bear came up, he hung back. 我的朋友答应,一旦我们在穿越森林时遇见野兽,他一定帮助我。但是当熊走近时,他却退缩了。

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