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Can be applied to well-prepared bare steel, galvanized steel and light metal.

Can apply business rules to content : If a person from marketing creates a press release, somebody in legal might need to review that document. 能够把商业规则应用到内容:如果市场部门的一个人创建了一个新闻稿,某个法律部的人可能需要审核这个文档。
Can automatic robot enter the center of game field, meaning cross the shape of letter V at the center? 自动机器人是否可以进入场地中心,也就是说是否可以穿过中心的V字型?
Can be a lied directly to remove grease ots or stai . 可直接用于去除油渍和污渍。
Can be a string or an array. 它可以由一个字符串或一个数组组成。
Can be applied directly to remove grease spots or stains. 可直接用于去除油渍和污渍。
Can be applied to well-prepared bare steel, galvanized steel and light metal. 适用于经预处理的裸钢、镀锌材和轻金属。
Can be as simple as a search for all port 80 attacks. 例如查找所有的对80端口的攻击。
Can be connected to GPRS service and GSM service (voice, SMS), but using only one or the other at a given time. 能被连接到整合封包无线电服务服务和GSM维修(声音,SMS),但是在给定的时间使用只有一个或另一个。
Can be divided into :single hook slide rails ,double hook slide rails . Hook can auorotate when working and get even shot blasting effect. 本类型机可分:单吊钩滑轨、双吊钩滑轨。工作时吊钩可自动,抛丸效果均匀。
Can be easily enhanced to support arbitrary serialized data formats. 通过改进可支持各种序列化的数据格式。
Can be for external use; Skin disease, blow wounded, soup wounded, skin routed rotten, old spot, antiultraviolet,etc., and can eat; If not in the body, various kinds of disease will improve. 可以外用;皮肤病、刮伤、汤伤、皮肤溃腐、老斑、防紫外线等,并可以食用;如体内含有慢性毒,的各种疾病会有改善。

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