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This is a case report of a female patient with systemic Hodgkin's lymphoma of nodular sclerosis type who developed specific cutaneous involvement along with the flare-up of her nodal lymphoma.

This is a capricious match. Your common interests and lusty passionate nature bring about outrageous social encounters. 狮子-白羊:你们是一对反复无常的组合。虽然有着共同的兴趣,然激情四射的天性也让你们成为互不相让的冤家。
This is a capsule description of the event. 这就是该事件的笼统叙述。
This is a cardiac rhabdomyoma. 是横纹肌瘤。
This is a case of primary biliary cirrhosis, a rare autoimmune disease (mostly of middle-aged women) that is characterized by destruction of bile ductules within the triads of the liver. 原发性胆汁性肝硬化是一种少见的自身免疫性疾病(多见中年妇女),表现为肝脏三联管(小叶间动脉、小叶间静脉、小叶间胆管)中的小叶间胆管破坏。
This is a case of stupidity, not dishonesty. 这只是个愚蠢的例子,并非不诚实。
This is a case report of a female patient with systemic Hodgkin's lymphoma of nodular sclerosis type who developed specific cutaneous involvement along with the flare-up of her nodal lymphoma. 本文报告一例何杰金氏淋巴瘤〈结节硬化型〉之女性病人,在其淋巴瘤再发时,于左侧胸壁上出现特异性皮肤病灶。
This is a case report of a male patient with mycosis fungoides who developed acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis after receivinginterferon therapy. 本文报告一例蕈样黴菌病之男性病人,在接受干扰素治疗后,出现急性全身发疹样脓疱症。
This is a case with separate compartments for shoes, jewelry, etc. 这是一个分格存放鞋、珠宝等的箱子。
This is a case-driven pedagogical approach. 使用案例教学法。
This is a caseating granuloma. Epithelioid cells surround a central area of necrosis that appears irregular, amorphous, and pink. Grossly, areas of caseation appear cheese-like. 图示干酪样肉芽肿。上皮细胞围绕在中央坏死区域周围,坏死物呈不规则、无定形、粉红色,干酪样坏死区状似奶酪。
This is a catholic church named Wang Hai Lou, the historical site that results in the eight-power allied forcesentering China in 1900. 这处名叫“望海楼”的天主教堂是1900年引发八国联军攻打中国事件的遗址。

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