You may experience the loss of a loved one.
你会体验到恋爱中的伤害。 |
You may experience ups and downs in your feelings and ambitions.
你可能得经历你情绪上及野心的高低起伏。 |
You may extinguish a nation, but not the love of liberty.
你可以消灭一个国家,但不能消灭对自由的热爱。 |
You may fall for someone you meet at work or someone from your past.
天蝎座:你会爱上你工作中遇到的一个人或者以前的朋友。 |
You may feel a little warble at the moment, but so have all the great singers.
有时,你可能觉得自己的歌声有些发颤,但是所有伟大的歌唱家都有这种时刻。 |
You may feel a slight tickling or localised dizziness inside your arm or leg, as you do this.
你会感到你的胳膊或腿部有一种轻微的刺痒或局部的晕眩,当你这么做时。 |
You may feel like taking a chance on love but proceed with caution.
狮子:你想把握爱的机会,但一定要谨慎。 |
You may feel off your path, or unable to push ahead.
你感觉迷失方向或无法向前迈进。 |
You may feel the canopy start to drop back as it enters a stall.
你可能感觉这伞体开始后甩,好像进入失速。 |
You may feel the desire to fleegroups and crowds.
您会感觉到渴望逃离团体和人群。 |
You may find a rotten apple in any race.
任何种族,都有害群之马。 |