Indian Emperor Ashoka started a Secret Society of the Nine Unknown Men-- great Indian scientists who were supposed to catalogue the many sciences.
印度的阿索卡(爱迪卡)国王组织了“一个秘密的九人小组”——伟大的印度科学家应该拥有很多科学。 |
Indian Kashmiri police-men carry the body of a col-league away from the scene on a government building in Srinagar, February 24, 2005.
2月24日,在印控克什米尔首府斯利那加,几位警察将一名遇害同事的尸体搬离现场。 |
Indian Muslim children feed pigeons on the second day of Ramadan in a mosque in New Delhi, India on Sunday.
回教斋戒月第二天是周日,印度的回教孩童在新德里一座清真寺内喂食鸽子。 |
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held an emergency Cabinet meeting in New Delhi to a e the situation.
印度总理辛格在新德里召开紧急内阁会议,对局势做出评估。 |
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held an emergency Cabinet meeting in New Delhi to assess the situation.
印度总理辛格在新德里召开紧急内阁会议,对局势做出评估。 |
Indian Railway paint and tinplate production sheared.
生产印铁涂料和马口铁剪切。 |
Indian Wars: Battle of Wa*a River - United States Army Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer leads an attack on Cheyenne living on reservation land.
1868年,印第安战争:沃希托河之战--美国陆军上尉团长乔治·阿姆斯特朗·卡斯特发起了向居住在保留地上的夏安族人的进攻。 |
Indian Wars: Sand Creek Massacre - Colorado volunteers led by Colonel John Chivington massacre at least 150 Cheyenne and Arapaho noncombatants inside Colorado Territory.
1864年,印第安战争:克里克沙滩大屠杀——在科罗拉多境内,团长约翰·迟温顿带领着科罗拉多志愿军集体杀害了至少150名夏安族和阿拉巴霍族的非战斗人员。 |
Indian and Japanese researchers are planning to team up in quest of a truly exotictea to tickle the tastebuds of millions around the world, an official said.
1名官员表示,印度和日本研究人员正计划合作,寻求“真正奇特”的茶,以取悦全球数百万人的味蕾。 |
Indian architecture is that vast tapestry of production of the Indian Subcontinent that encompasses a multitude of expressions over space and time, transformed by the forces of history considered unique to the sub-continent, sometimes destroying, but most
印度建筑是印度次大陆上像巨大挂毯般的产物,包含了一个巨大的时空表现,通过历史的力量而发生转变,被认为在次大陆上是独一无二的,有时候是毁灭,但大多数的时候都是吸引人的。 |
Indian astronomy at that time was taking much of its lead from cyclic Hindu cosmology in which nature operted in cycles, setting the stage for searching for numerical patterns in the expected time frames for eclipses.
在那时,印度天文学家在印度的循环宇宙论方面有主导的地位,大自然是在循环之中,为以数学来预算日蚀时间打下了基础。 |