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Rekong people in compliance with the requirements in the ISO9001 quality system, persist in researching、innovating and improving .To go over the clients expect as the operational idea.

Rejoicing in the world, His earth, And having my delight in the sons of men. 箴8:31踊跃在他为人豫备可住之地、也喜悦住在世人之间。
Rejoicing over the decision, the peasants rushed to volunteer for the work. 农民对这决定感到兴高采烈,跑去自愿参加这项工程。
Rejuvenation Research is an authoritative peer-reviewed journal that publishes leading work on the implementation of rejuvenation therapies in the laboratory and eventually in the clinic, as well as basic research relevant to the further elucidation of wh 《返老还童研究》是一份权威性的、稿件须经同行专家严格评审才能发表的杂志,它发表在实验室中和最终在临床上进行返老还童疗法的领先性文章,也发表关于进一步阐述在分子和细胞层面上这样的疗法应该做些什么以便真正有效的基础研究。
Rejuvenation of population and income continuous growth have created favorable conditions for the development of life insurance. 人口年轻化,收入持续增长为人寿保险业的发展创造了有利条件。
Reknowned as world ironists, Lu Xun and Jonathan Swift, in their respective articles Medicine and A Modest Proposal, criticize their societies sharply and violently with the attempt to waken the mass in their age. 摘要鲁迅与斯威夫特都是著名的讽刺艺术大师,在《药》和《一个小小的建议》中,他们通过生活中的题材对各自所处的社会进行了批判和讽刺,达到醒世的目的。
Rekong people in compliance with the requirements in the ISO9001 quality system, persist in researching、innovating and improving .To go over the clients expect as the operational idea. 日钢人始终秉承ISO9001质量体系的标准,坚持不断探索、不断创新、持续改进,超越顾客期望的经营理念.
Relacing void former - Coring through beams and slabs for the installation of ducts and pies. Holes formed by coring will be more precise, fast and help increasing productivity. 代替在结构混凝土上留孔-在部份工程因工程关系和时间上须要而不能预先留位以便日后管道安装之用,则多数曾采用钻孔之方法以提高工作效率。
Relapse and metastasis are the main causes responsible for failure of surgical operation in treating malignant tumors. 复发和转移是恶性肿瘤手术治疗失败的主要原因。
Relate these oracles as much as possible to the three main events of the Assyrian Judgment. 把这些启示与亚述审判时期的三次主要事件尽可能地联系起来。
Relate to every circumstance in your life as something that has happened for the best,for it may be that your saddest experience will bring you your greatest assets if you give time a chance to mellow your distress. 把你一生当中所发生的所有事件,都看作是激励你上进而发生的事件,因为只要你能给时间圆润你烦恼的机会的话,即使是最悲伤的经验,也会为你带来最多的财产。
Relate to forecast and local knowledge. 结合气象预报与当地经验。

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