His tongue is red and sore all over.
他的舌头到处红和痛。 |
His tongue runs riot.
他讲话口没遮拦。 |
His total score was one hundred.
他的总积分早已是一百。 |
His tough stance on drugs has also caused friction with Colombia's neighbours.
他对毒品的强硬姿态也让哥伦比亚与其邻国造成了摩擦。 |
His tough stand on aborigines recalls the one he took against boat refugees in 2001, helping him win his third election later that year.
霍华德对土著所持的坚硬立场让人想起了2001年他在难民乘船外逃事件上的立场,那一次帮助他在当年后来举行的大选中第三度获胜。 |
His transient masters since he had come into the Northland had bred in him a fear that no master could be permanent.
自从进入北国,主人的一再变换使巴克产生了一种恐惧,担心没有一位主人可以持久不变。 |
His translation ability /proficiency is not so strong as we thought.
她的翻译水平并不是像我们想象的那样好。 |
His travel quietly unfolds the happiness and sadness of a middle-aged Filipino worker and an old Chinese teacher living alone in a poor and single veteran community.
他的这一段旅程,伴随著两个朋友的故事,一位是在台湾打工的菲律宾人(瑞纳多饰),另一位是独身住在眷村的中文老师(常枫饰)。 |
His treatment of her was beyond endurance.
他这样对待她是无法忍受的。 |
His treatment of his wife is outrageous.
他对待妻子十分蛮横。 |
His trembling belied his words.
发抖掩埋了他的话。 |