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All these troops passed under the command of the XIIIth Corps Headquarters.

All these things can be a cause of stress, and it is best to face them honestly, and to bring our frustrations into the open. 所有这一切都会是压力产生的原因,最好我们应该诚实的面对现实和挫折。
All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent. 我以正直的心乐意献上这一切物。
All these things troubled me deeply. 所有这一切都深深困扰着我。
All these things you are learning on this very mundane level are actually preparation for a time not so far into the future. 所有你在这个非常世俗的层面上学会的所有这些事是为了已经不远即将进入的未来所做的实际上的准备。。
All these things, strengthen the competitiveness of East Airways greatly. 所有这些,都大大增强东航的竞争力。
All these troops passed under the command of the XIIIth Corps Headquarters. 所有这些部队都拨归第十三军司令部。
All these twelve men are elderly now and drained by time and success of energy and ambition. 应该翻成:那十二个男人如今已老,他们已被时间,雄心壮志和所付出的精力耗尽。
All these virus and high-tech rubbish make the earth thoroughly refuted. 这些“病毒”“高科技垃圾”把地球母亲弄得满目疮痍。
All these were brave fighting men. 这都是大能的9勇士。
All these were dated from some significant historical event. 所有这些都可以追溯到一些意义重大的历史事件。
All these were joined together in the vale of Siddim, which is the salt sea. 3这五王都在西订谷会合。西订谷就是盐海。

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