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As a brand new annual award, China Outdoor Golden Rhino Awards was started and designed by OUTDOOR EXPLORATION by importance, advance and value, aiming at introducing the most influential outdoor pioneers and events.

As a boy I witnessed the intercommunal rioting that followed the partition of India into the separate countries of India and Pakistan. 在我是个孩童时我目睹社区交相暴动导致印度分裂成印度及巴基斯坦两个国家。
As a boy he became devoted to the sea, and he dedicated himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them. 当一个男孩热爱大海时,他投入到改进船的设计和航行的方法。
As a boy, Mister Bush played on Little League baseball teams. 作为一个孩子,布什先生参加了棒球队小小联盟。
As a branch area, developing circular economy is a necessity of business. 商业作为经济的一个子领域,发展循环经济是必然的选择。
As a branch discipline of urban economics, the research significance, objective, mission and contents of interurban economics are preliminary approached in this paper, so that the deficiency in study on interurban systems in urban economics can be remedie 作为城市经济学的一个分支学科,本文对其研究意义、对象、任务及近期研究内容进行了初步探讨,以弥补目前城市经济学对城市间系统的研究不足的缺憾。
As a brand new annual award, China Outdoor Golden Rhino Awards was started and designed by OUTDOOR EXPLORATION by importance, advance and value, aiming at introducing the most influential outdoor pioneers and events. 作为一个全新的每年一度的奖项,中国户外金犀牛奖由《户外探险》发起和组织,目的在于介绍在户外具有很高影响力的人物和事件。
As a brand new relieving moisturizing nutrient formula, it can produce deep and long-lasting effect on skin by allowing instant absorption, and offer you a sense of freshness and naturalness without feeling sticky. 全新缓释保湿营养配方,可深入持久作用于肌肤,能瞬间吸收,感觉清爽自然,没有粘着感。
As a breakthrough in ecological/environmental control in China, the compensation system for related farmers in implementing the project of converting cultivated land into forest/grass is bringing enormous ecological/environmental benefits. 摘要退耕还林(草)工程的补贴制度作为对我国以往生态环境治理制度的突破,带来了巨大的生态环境治理效益。
As a breeder, I became very tired of counting on the calendar to determine when a litter would be born and trying to coordinate that date with other events in my life. 作为一个繁育者,我厌倦了估算小猫出生的时间以调整我的自己时间,避免与其他事情冲突。
As a bride, I had Scott's wedding band engraved with Robert Browning's line “Grow old along with me!” 在我还是新娘的时候,斯科特给我的结婚戒指上面刻着罗伯特?勃朗宁的名言:“让我们一起变老吧!”
As a bridge connecting different cultures and peoples, translation unavoidably involves cultural misreading. 摘要作为跨文化交际的桥梁,翻译活动中不可避免地存在着文化间的误读。

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