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He's certainly not the answer to the back-up the Rockets need for Yao Ming, as he won't be able to give Houston any more than a handful of minutes.

He's brown-eyed boy who is 180cm tall and weighs about 75 kilos. 他是一个身高1.8米,体重75公斤的男孩,长的一双棕色的眼睛。
He's browned off with his job. 他厌烦他的工作.
He's built up the family firm into a multinational company. 他使家庭工厂发展成为一个国际公司。
He's caught in a little bit of a quandary. 海德处于一个困惑的境地。
He's caught the unique opportunity. 他抓住了那唯一的机会。
He's certainly not the answer to the back-up the Rockets need for Yao Ming, as he won't be able to give Houston any more than a handful of minutes. 他肯定不会是火箭队想给姚明配备的替补人选,因为他除了少许上场时间之外,无法再为火箭作出什么贡献。
He's changed into a conscientious worker. 他已成为一个工作认真的人了。
He's chapel but his wife's a member of the Church of England. 他不信奉英国国教,但他的妻子是英国国教徒。
He's cheap and we will need him when Bonzi leaves in the off-season. 斯奈德不但工资很低,而且当棒子在赛季结束离开球队后我们会非常需要斯奈德。
He's cheesed off with his job. 他厌倦他的工作.
He's come here once in a while,not frequently. 他只是偶尔来,不是很经常.

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