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After the nap, the pig continued the race and was named the 12th and last animal of the zodiac cycle.

After the movie Ashes of Time, later such new-version knight-errant films gradually declined. 《东邪西毒》之后,新武侠电影开始走下坡路。
After the movie, we went to a coffee shop. 看完电影,我们去咖啡店。
After the murder, the police rounded up a few suspect. 在谋杀案後,警察围捕了一些嫌疑犯。
After the murder, the police rounded up a few suspect. 在谋杀案后,警察围捕了一些嫌疑犯。
After the murder, the police rounded up a few suspects. 在谋杀案后,警察围捕了一些嫌疑犯。
After the nap, the pig continued the race and was named the 12th and last animal of the zodiac cycle. 午睡醒来小猪继续比赛并且被命名为第十二个获胜者,也就是最后一个生肖。
After the need for ontology has actually become an invisible precondition of academic exploitation, and thus become profound and dynamic metaphysics question. 在海德格尔之后,人们对本体论的需要,实际上转变为一种无形的学术运演前提,它成有为一种高深莫测的、动态的玄学追问。
After the new map has been drawn, you can manually customizethe features visible on the map and then scroll the map around the sky without the map settings being reset to those of the current view level. 在新星图绘出后,仍可以人工定制图上的各项可见信息,或者在天空中移动星图而不会导致当前视场级别重设。
After the next figure, you cast off and meet your partner again at the other end. 在下一个舞步以后,你要从外圈绕到对面再和你舞伴相聚。
After the normal air-running, engineer must move the regulating handle to the position corresponding to the pressure which has been set by the pressure reducing valve (pos. no. 28) when the speed of the main engine is more than the air cut speed. 在正常的空气运转后,轮机员必须移动调节手柄到相应的压力的位置,其压力已由压力减压阀28设定,当主机的转速已经高于空气切断转速。
After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise. 民14:34按你们窥探那地的四十日、一年顶一日、你们要担当罪孽四十年、就知道我与你们疏远了。

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