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For instance, you're not likely to come across any Seeing Eye cats, guard cats or sled cats.

For instance, you can't clear large gaps until you find the hookshot, and sometimes your path will be blocked by posts that can only be pounded down with the hammer. 暗黑世界是光明世界的负面景象,有光秃的树木,奇异的生物和曲折诡异的地牢。
For instance, you don′t have the floor space to see a TV screen from a distance. 举个例子,在那样的小空间里我们就没有足够大的地方从一定距离观看电视屏幕。
For instance, you should make sure that the insulations between the soldering turret and welding cable are fine, the chassis of the soldering machine is well grounded, and all wiring contacts are in good condition. 如焊钳和焊接电缆的绝缘是否有损坏的地方,焊机的外壳接地和焊机的各接线点接触是否良好。
For instance, you should make sure that the insulations between the soldering tweezers and welding cable are good , the chassis of the soldering machine is well grounded, and all wiring contacts are in good condition. 如焊钳和焊接电缆的绝缘是否有损坏的地方,焊机的外壳接地和焊机的各接线点接触是否良好。
For instance, you should make sure that the insulations between the soldering tweezers and welding cable are ok and the earthing point and each termipoint of soldering machine are in good condition. 如焊钳和焊接电缆的绝缘是否有损坏的地方,焊机的外壳接地和焊机的各接线点接触是否良好。
For instance, you're not likely to come across any Seeing Eye cats, guard cats or sled cats. 例如,你不太可能会遇到什么导盲猫、看家猫或是拉雪橇的猫。
For instance,feather, maos of form thing and hair are found in the fossils of dinosaurs , birds , pterosaur , mammal , a? 大量化石还保存了胃的残留物,包括动物的骨骼、鳞片、植物的种子等等。
For instance,some women who ate high fat diets before the study,but changed to low fat diets during the study,(So)saw a reduction of breast cancer risk of (about)up to 20%. 比如,有些在研究前吃高脂肪食物的女性,但是在研究期间改为吃低脂肪的食物,我们可以看到她们在乳房癌的风险上下降了高达20%。
For instance,to him the generalized stiffness of a system was the stiffness of a single spring which, when subjected to an extension equal to the generalized displacement, stored the same amount of potential (strain) energy as the actual system when defor 例如,他的意识普遍的是系统性能的一个春天,当受到展延等于普遍迁移、存储同等数量的潜力(品种)作为能源的实际系统在变形的方式同普遍流离失所.
For instance,traffic congestion occurs frequently, and air pollution caused by automobile has been more and more serious. 例如,交通拥挤普遍发生,由汽车导致的空气污染已经越来越严重。
For instance: Personages ( Include classical personage, professional portrait, modern personage and individually and a lot of personages) Scenery ( Include classically and modernly) , still life, flowers type, ( Include classically) Drawing type, sailing 如:人物类(含古典人物、专业肖像、现代人物及单个及多个人物)风景类(含古典和现代)、静物类、花卉类、(含古典)街景、威尼斯、地中海、圣诞画类、帆船、海浪、印象类、抽象类、给合类和卡通类等;除此之外我司还珍藏一些高深画家一些原创作品,适合一些专门从事艺术爱好客人收藏。

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