Foreign demand for natural resources, especially oil, has helped create the growth.
国外对自然资源尤其是石油的需求,推动形成此次增长。 |
Foreign direct investment (FDI) will continue to grow over the short and medium term, FDI experts, transnational corporations (TNCs) and investment promotion agencies (IPAs) predict in UNCTAD′s Global Investment Prospects Assessment (GIPA).
在联合国贸易和发展会议的全球投资展望评价报告里,外国直接投资专家,跨国公司和投资促进机构都预测在未来中、短期内,外国直接投资将持续增长。 |
Foreign direct investment continuous to flow in and the current account and trade balance continue to post surplus through out the forecast risen.
外国直接投资继续涌入中国,经常帐物与贸易的平衡仍将在可预期的未来继续带来顺差。 |
Foreign direct investment outflows from China (including Hong Kong) reached $56bn (£29bn) last year and are forecast by the Economist Intelligence Unit to rise to more than $70bn by 2010.
来自中国(包括香港)的对外直接投资,去年达到560亿美元,经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)预计,到2010年前,这一数字将升至700亿美元以上。 |
Foreign donors failed to plan how to integrate tens of thousands of gunmen into a national army.
外国捐款人没能计划好如何将好几万的叛军部队编入刚果国民军。 |
Foreign economic and technological exhibition involving participation of manufacturers or agencies from the Taiwan region shall be subject to examination and approval of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and submitted to the Office of
六)对外经济技术展览会凡涉及台湾地区厂商或机构参展的,应报对外贸易经济合作部审批,报国务院台湾事务办公室备案。 |
Foreign economic and technological exhibitions hosted by a unit under the State Council or an overseas agency shall be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for examination and approval.
二)国务院部门所属单位主办的,以及境外机构主办的对外经济技术展览会,报对外贸易经济合作部审批。 |
Foreign economic and technological exhibitions to be held under the chain of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade shall be subject to the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for examination and approval and concurr
五)中国国际贸易促进委员会系统举办的对外经济技术展览会,由中国国际贸易促进委员会审批并报对外贸易经济合作部备案。 |
Foreign electricity sales, which are from the Cahora Bassa hydroelectric plant, increased by 80 percent in the period, the report said.
报告称,此期间的电力出口增长80%.出口电力来自卡布拉?巴萨水电站。 |
Foreign employees of international intergovernmental organizations invited by the ROC government and their dependants.
四政府间国际组织之外国籍职员应我国政府邀请来访者及其眷属。 |
Foreign enterprises have the rights to reject unreasonable charging,fine,inspection,and report to the local government or have recourse to the People's Court.
外商投资企业有权抵制乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款、乱检查等“四乱”行为,并可直接向市政府举报,或向人民法院起诉。 |