Pets have some practical uses.
宠物有一些实际的用处。 |
Pets seem content with so very little.
只需一点点,宠物们就很容易知足了。 |
Pets will no longer chase players that Vanish.
宠物不会再追逐已经消失/潜行的玩家了。 |
Pets, toys, and children underfoot.
碍手碍脚的宠物,玩具和孩子 |
Petticoat is the standard name in English for any underskirt worn as part of non-Western clothing, as with the sari.
衬裙为女性的衣著,尢其是内衣穿在裙子内。衬裙分隔开衣服和腰部(而不像无袖宽松内衣)。 |
Pettitte (4-4) picked up his first victory in three starts, while limiting the D-backs to one run and four hits.
小派四胜四负,拿下他最近三次先发来的首胜,让响尾蛇只敲初四支安打拿下一分。 |
Pettitte had vowed earlier this week that he would pause every now and then this season, trying to soak everything in and enjoy the ride.
派特提本周稍早还誓言本季将会时常停歇下来尝试去吸收任何事情并享受它。 |
Pettitte has not seen the Angels since 2003 -- a solid eight-inning win -- but is no stranger to their lineup.
自从2003年以主投8局的优异表现获胜后,小派就未曾对上天使队,但他对天使的打线并不陌生。 |
Pettitte never quite got there, facing two batters in the fifth before yielding to reliever Scott Proctor, who allowed both inherited runners to score.
派特提跌跌撞撞的到了第五局,面对了第五局两位打者后,将投手丘让给了后援投手天天P,垒上那两位跑者最后还是得分了。 |
Pettitte obliged, hurling eight strong innings as the Yankees wrapped up a 7-1 victory over the Arizona Diamondbacks.
之前还要为了妹妹大大的指甲彩绘促销,还得去装假指甲,真是辛苦。 |
Pettitte ready:: Coming off a disappointing outing in his last start, Andy Pettitte is looking to rebound with a strong game against the Rangers in the first game of the doubleheader Thursday.
派提特蓄势待发:经过上一次令人失望的先发表现,派提特打算在周四接力赛的第一场中重新扬威。 |