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Jackson congratulated the Spurs, saying they left no doubt they were the best team in this series.

Jackie: We don't have coffee. 杰基:我们没有咖啡。
Jackie: Yes. I hate doing business in my office. It's so much more pleasant to talk over a good meal. 杰姬:是的。我讨厌在我的办公室里谈生意。就着丰盛的饭菜边吃边谈,要惬意得多。
Jacknis, Ira, and Margaret Mead, and Gregory Bateson. Bali: Their Use of Photography and Film.In Cultural Anthropology. pp. 160-177. 玛格丽特.米德、桂葛瑞.贝特森合着,〈巴里岛:摄影与底片的用法〉,收录于《文化人类学》,第160-177页。
Jacks a whizz on the PC and just pressed all thecenterbuttons, Rachel Neal said. 母亲雷切尔·尼尔说:“杰克是个电脑神童,他完全按对了所有选项键。”
Jackson AM,Alexandrov AB,Prescotts,et al.Expression of adhesion molecules by bladder cancer cells:modulation by interferon-GAMMA and tumor necrosis factor-ALPHA[ J].J Urol,1992,148:1583. 武玉东,吴海,杨树立,等.细胞间黏附分子-1在膀胱移行细胞癌中的表达及意义[J].中华实验外科杂志,1997,14(4):248-249.
Jackson congratulated the Spurs, saying they left no doubt they were the best team in this series. 杰克逊祝贺马刺队,并表示他们无疑是半决赛中最强的队伍。
Jackson does appear in the film trilogy as various stunt orcs. 杰克逊在三部曲中,扮演过各种半兽人士兵。
Jackson had by now become an almost mythical figure. 到现在为止,杰克逊已经几乎变成了一个神话人物。
Jackson has pleaded not guilty to 10 charges -- including four counts of child molestation, four counts of administering an intoxicating agent, one count of attempted child molestation and one count of conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonm 面对10项指控,杰克逊宣称自己是无罪的——这10项指控包括4次儿童性骚扰,4次向他人提供致幻物品,一次未遂的儿童性骚扰和一次企图绑架、非法监禁儿童来进行勒索的行为。
Jackson has spent almost his entire life as a public performer. 迈克尔·杰克逊几乎一生从事大众表演。
Jackson is said to be considering legal action to block the planned sale at the Hard Rock hotel resort in Las Vegas. 点击图片,一起目睹这些承载着流行乐历史的纪念物。

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