Haggling about one's share of a resource must surely have been a recurrent theme for our ancestors.
我们的老祖宗一定曾经不断为了取得较多的资源而讨价还价。 |
Hagia Sophia served as model for several of the great Turkish mosques of Constantinople.
圣索菲娅成为了几个君士坦丁堡的土耳其伟大清真寺的典型。 |
Hagihara P. Experimental studies on homologus heterotopic liver transplantation[J]. Surg Gynecot Ofstet,1964,120(7):1297.
易永祥,俞建光,刘俊卯.猪辅助性异位部分肝移植术的三种模式对比[J].肝胆外科杂志,2002,10(5):390-391. |
Hagrid and Madame Maxime travelled to France en route to eastern Europe when they sought out the giants, a story Hagrid told in detail in OP20.
海格与马克西姆夫人为了寻找巨人的下落前往东欧时经过法国,据《凤凰社》第20章里海格的述说。 |
Hagrid didn't even tell her who lived in Privet Drive or what their relationship was to all that was going on.
海格没有告诉她女贞路的住户是谁,或者他们的关系和之后的事有什么关联。 |
Hagrid first mentioned the Prewetts as victims of Voldemort's first reign of terror in SS5, when he first explained who Voldemort was.
在《魔法石》第5章中(其实我翻过书,是第4章,而且这里写的是“普威特夫妇”)当海格解释伏地魔是谁时,第一次提到了普威特夫妇是伏地魔横行时的受害者。 |
Hagrid maintains a cabbage patch for Hogwarts, presumably to supply the school kitchens. According to Hagrid, flesh-eating slugs have been known to get into them (CS4).
海格为霍格沃茨种一块卷心菜地,估计是给学校厨房供应卷心菜用的。据海格说,食肉虫曾经钻到菜里面去(密室,第4章)。 |
Hagrid rolled up the note, gave it to the owl, which clamped it in its beak, went to the door, and threw the owl out into the storm.
海格把纸条卷起来,让那只猫头鹰用嘴叼着,接着走向房门,便把它放飞在暴风雨中。 |
Hagrid's appearance is very intimidating, but his disposition is kind.
海格的长相有点恐怖,但他心地善良。 |
Hagrid's hut is located at the edge of the forbidden forest.
海格的小屋位于禁林的边缘地带。 |
Hagrid's wand was (and what's left of it still is) made of oak (PS5).
海格的魔杖是(它的剩余部分也仍然是)由橡木制成的(PS5)。 |