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The sleigh was drawn by a horse.

The sleeping pills soon put her off to sleep. 安眠药片不久就使她睡着了。
The sleepwalker, unlike the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and does not take instructions. 患梦游症的人和接受催眠的人不同,他们不注意任何人也不接受别人的指令。
The sleepy pup 24)tilted his head and chuffed a welcome. 昏昏欲睡的小狗斜着头,呜呜地叫着表示欢迎。
The sleeve allow printing of company name and product description giving all visible information during transporting and warehousing. 无盖纸箱上,能印刷用途、公司名、商品等,使得在输送保管时候的确认得到简便。
The sleeves of a pale blue waistcoat came only to her elbows. 一件淡蓝色马甲的袖子只垂到了她的臂弯处。
The sleigh was drawn by a horse. 雪车是用一匹马拖拉的。
The sleight of hand, appearance and disappearance of objects, and gestures were all timed precisely and exactly coordinated to the music. 他娴熟的手法,物体的出现和消失和手势,都和音乐达到了精确的同步和完美的协调。
The slender cowpea is a miniature of the unforgettable childhood. 修长的豇豆,是难忘童年的缩影。
The slide direction and distance of each block of landslide has been calculated quantitativily by the method of interactive interpretation and determination of specific points and the total volume of the landside unity is estimated out to be about 2.3×10^ 从三维角度出发,利用人机交互解译滑坡,求取特征点,分别对各部分滑体的滑动方向和距离进行了定量计算,估算出其体积约为2300万立方公尺。
The slide set is due for grading three days after the presentation. 在陈述后的三天内应当将幻灯片交上来打分。
The slides and slideways of a machine tool locate and guide members which move relative to each other,usually changing the position of the tool relative to the workpiece. 让我试试:构件之间之间会产生相对运动,机工具的滑动及滑动面可对其予以定位、导向,这通常会造成机工具相对于工件的位置出现变动。

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