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GSH and GSSG, which are related to oxidative stress and several diseases, in red blood cells of diabetic nephropathy (DN) patients could be baseline separated within 3 min using a fusedsilica capillary (21 cm×75 μm i.

Docetaxel liposomes were prepared by film dispersion method and followed by lyophilization. 采用薄膜分散法结合冷冻干燥工艺制备多西他赛脂质体冻干品。
A reversed phase HPLC method was described for determination of psoralen in Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz. 采用反相高效液相色谱法测定防风中补骨脂素的含量。
Adopting ANOVA of unbalanced data,evaluating the effect of different treatment,the best treatment through the multiple comparison graph is got. 采用非均衡数据的单因素方差分析法,评价不同疗法的优劣,并结合多重比较图,得到最佳的疗法。
prepared Bi nanoparticles were prepared by high energy ball milling,using absolute ethanol as liquid medium,PVP and stearic acid as compound modifying reagent,by orthogonal experimental method. 采用高能球磨的方法,直接分散铋粒制备纳米铋粉。
GSH and GSSG, which are related to oxidative stress and several diseases, in red blood cells of diabetic nephropathy (DN) patients could be baseline separated within 3 min using a fusedsilica capillary (21 cm×75 μm i. 采用高效毛细管区带电泳法对糖尿病肾病变患者血液内红细胞中参与氧化应激的氧化型谷胱甘肽(GSSG)和还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)进行了测定。
To establish a HPLC method determination the content of Aristolochie acid A in Aristolochia debilis Sieb. 采用高效液相色谱法测定马兜铃中马兜铃酸A的含量。
Effect of the different drought stress on the aromatic constituents and relative contents in the fresh leaves of Lingtou Dancong tea plants was studied in this paper. 采用广东主栽乌龙茶品种之一岭头单枞品种为研究材料,通过水分胁迫处理茶树,分析鲜叶芳香物质的变化。
The change in the chain structure of deacetylated KGM was characterized by atomic force microscope and circular dichroism spectrum(CD),and the film performance was tested. 采用碱性溶剂对魔芋葡甘聚糖(Kon jac G lucom annan,KGM)进行了脱乙酰处理,采用原子力显微镜、圆二色谱表征了脱乙酰KGM的链结构的变化特点,并对其膜材料的性能进行了测试。
The PAGE has been adopted to analyse the POD of two varieties Sophora alopecuroides Linn. 采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)对豆科槐属植物苦豆子(SophoraalopecuroidesLinn。

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