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Simply understand that they are uninformed, and they create systems that are uninformed because that is how they believe they must operate.

Simply telling him how valuable his work was boosted his morale a lot. 乾脆告诉他他的工作是如何有价值就会使他的士气大振了。
Simply the sweetest derby ever. 有史以来最甜蜜的德比。
Simply to acknowledge our confusion,even though we cannot accept it completely,can bring some light of understanding and spark off in us a new process,a process of healing. 要认清我们的困惑,虽然我们还不完全了解它,不过它却带给我们智慧之光,让我们进入一种崭新的历程,一种治疗的历程。
Simply to be well dressed will signify propriety. 好的衣着会被看成代表恰当的唯一标准。
Simply turning off your television, DVD player, stereo, and computer when you're not using them will save you thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide a year. 只要随手关掉闲置的电视、DVD、音响和电脑,每年就会少排放数千磅二氧化碳。
Simply understand that they are uninformed, and they create systems that are uninformed because that is how they believe they must operate. 只理解他们是无明的,并且他们创造无明的秩序那是因为他们多么相信他们必须运转。
Simply ’ to be the best you can be ’ is a worthwhile goal. 让他们感觉到自己绝对是最好的,这是一个值得花时间的目标。
Simply, the satisfaction of knowing you are harnessing the idle resources of your computer to assist us in our endeavours to develop not only new AIDS therapies, but new methodologies for fighting AIDS. 简单的讲,我们非常高兴您能够捐献您的计算机的闲置处理能力来协助我们寻求新的能够有效对抗艾滋病的方法。
Simpson JL, Elias S. Isolating fetal cells from maternal blood.Advances in prenatal diagnosis through molecular technology. JAMA,1993,270(19)∶2357-2361. 马旭,王毅,王琳,等.经母血采集胎儿细胞行产前诊断的最佳时间探讨.中华妇产科杂志1997,32(5)∶293-295.
Simpson maintained he was innocent. 辛普森一直声称自己清白无罪。
Simpson on murder charges after a trial telecast live that brought sharp criticism of the city's justice system. 在此之后,洛杉矶司法机构一直很犹豫是否要开放现场直播。

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