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Qualification: Born again Christian who have been baptized, devoted and faithful participant in church, willingness to submit to leadership.

Quake damage to roads crippled access to the town of Pisco and other port cities along Peru's central coast. 公路被地震损坏,难以前往皮斯科和秘鲁中部其他海港城镇。
Quake preparedness is a vital issue for Japan, which is one of the world's most seismically active areas and accounts for 20 percent of the world's earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater. 为地震做好准备,对日本而言是极其重要的议题,日本是全世界地震最活跃的区域之一,在全球发生的规模六或以上的地震中,日本占了20%。
Quakers strongly oppose violence and war. 教友派信徒们强烈反对暴力和战争。
Qualcomm is the world's second-largest mobile phone chipmaker after Texas Instruments Inc. and collects licensing fees on its patented technologies. 高通是世界第二大的移动电话芯片制造商(第一位是美国德克萨斯仪器公司),同时还就其专利技术收取许可费用。
Qualification: Below 30; college diploma or above; love retailing business; with good English skills both oral &written; have retailing work experience and non-local citizens are acceptable. 职位要求:30岁以下,大专以上学历,热爱零售业,有良好的英语听说能力及大型零售业工作经验,户口不限。具有高度责任心、进取心、团队协作精神和部门管理能力,能吃苦耐劳,承受工作压力。
Qualification: Born again Christian who have been baptized, devoted and faithful participant in church, willingness to submit to leadership. 报名资格:信而受洗,重生得救的基督徒。有服事主的心志,愿意顺服领队的带领。
Qualifications for Chinese Citizens to Receive Legal Aid. 中国公民获准受援的条件。
Qualifications have to be equivalent to the recognised British standard of Bachelor's, Master's or PhD to be awarded the respective points for each level of qualification, which has been validated by the National Academic Recognition Information Centre (N 必须是被认可英国的标准或等效的标准的学士,硕士或博士,在国家的学术的承认信息中心里它已经被确认。
Qualifications of Manufacturers: The pumps shown and specified are based on the products manufactured by Yeomans Pump Company, Aurora, Illinois. 制造商资格要求:这里所描述和规定的泵都是以位于美国伊利诺斯州的美国约曼泵公司的产品为标准。
Qualifications: Essential: 1) Minimum 18 years of age. 从业资格必备的年满18岁。
Qualified and experienced engineers in the vacuum cleaner conception to take charge in the elaboration of the designs, features, certification, production of the four new designs IGA develops per year. 富有吸尘器行业工作经验的工程人员参与并负责设计,创新,认证每款产品,并且每年推出4款新颖产品。

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