The space agency said Sunday a gouge in the heat shield protecting the shuttle is deeper than expected, raising the possibility that astronauts may try to repair the damage while still in orbit.
航空航天局星期天说,奋进号航天飞机防护隔热瓦上的裂缝深度超过早先的估计,因此可能需要宇航员在航天飞机仍然在太空轨道上飞行时修补损伤。 |
The space agency still has not decided whether to send a crew on another spacewalk to fix it.
宇航局仍未决定是否派遣另一名船员到太空行走来修补。 |
The space agency's dogged pursuit of extreme speed, officials hope, will ultimately make space flight easier to accomplish.
太空署一直以来都在追求官方希望的极限速度,这将使太空飞行变得极其容易。 |
The space around the altar of a church for the clergy and sometimes the choir, often enclosed by a lattice or railing.
教堂高坛教堂内圣坛周围供牧师有时也供唱师班用的通常围以格子或栅栏的高坛, |
The space between the rumpled sail and the boom on a hand-built kabang boat reveals a slice of sea and sky—and other members of the flotilla—in Myanmar's Mergui Archipelago in the Andaman Sea.
在位于安达曼海的缅甸丹老群岛,在一艘手工制造的卡邦船上,从起皱的船帆和吊杆之间的空间可看到一线大海和天空,还有船队的其他成员。 |
The space between two paragraphs.
断纸段落之间的空白处 |
The space between us is smaller than when I was a teenager, barely visible at all.
我们之间的距离比起我还是孩子的时候要小得多,几乎看不见。 |
The space displayed advertising before the match, then became a scoreboard once play commenced.
黑板用来在赛前显示广告,在比赛时则用作积分板。 |
The space flight had to be aborted because of the difficulties with the computer.
这次太空飞行因电脑出了故障不得不予以取消。 |
The space images such as the sea, harbor, pa-chang river, fish farm, salt pan, and an embankment were composed a special folk context in the Hsiao Li-Hung's works.
海边、港湾、八掌溪、鱼塭、盐田、堤岸等空间意象,形构出萧丽红作品中独特的「故乡语境」。 |
The space in between two letters has to be in proportion.
白空间,是字符内部和字符之间的白色空间。 |