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Women taking TZDs were more than twice as likely to have cancer as women not taking TZDs (OR = 2.07, p = 0.01), the researchers note, but the association was not significant in men (OR = 1.20, p= 0.63).

Women spend money to help men not to become pigs! 女人为了让男人不变成猪而花钱!
Women spend not to let men become pigs! 女人为了让男人不变成猪而花钱!
Women staff and workers shall have the right to enjoy special labour protection and labour insurance in accordance with the provisions of the state. 女职工有依照国家规定享受特殊劳动保护和劳动保险的权利。
Women start and escalate arguments by first sharing negative feelings about their partner's behavior and then by giving unsolicited advice. 女人因说出对配偶行为的不满和给与非请求的忠告,而挑起并扩大争论。
Women still have the strongest long-term influence over the couple's diet and lifestyle, as they still have the traditional role of shopper and cook in most households. 这份由纽卡斯尔大学人类营养研究中心撰写的研究报告对英国、北美和澳大利亚的几个研究项目进行了评论,这些研究项目主要着眼于同居情侣以及已婚夫妇的饮食和生活方式。
Women taking TZDs were more than twice as likely to have cancer as women not taking TZDs (OR = 2.07, p = 0.01), the researchers note, but the association was not significant in men (OR = 1.20, p= 0.63). 研究者在文章中写道:“这项研究表明罗格列酮与癌症有关,而比格列酮与癌症无关,但是我们没有令人信服的的解释或者已有的结果支持这个发现。”
Women tend to live longer than men. 女人通常比男人活的久。
Women tend to rely on remembering landmarks, whereas men rely on their geometric skills to work out direction and distance. 女性倾向于记住地标,而男性则依靠其几何学的技巧来确定方向和距离。
Women tended to get proportionately more gooddegrees because they applied themselves more. 从比例上来看,女学生对本科较为专精,因为她们对课业比较投入。
Women undergoing IVF should have just one embryo implanted at a time in order to reduce the number of twins born in this way, a group of fertility experts announced on Wednesday. 生育专家周一宣布,进行体外受精(IVF)治疗的女性应该每次只移植一个胚胎,以减少因此方法而引起的双胞胎增多情况。
Women undergoing hysterectomies who listened to relaxing music and sounds of ocean waves while under general anesthesia experienced less pain, were less fatigued when released from the hospital, and were able to sit up sooner after their operation than pa 研究人员说,为全身麻醉的接受子宫摘除手术的病人播放一些轻松的音乐或者海浪的声音,可以减少病人的疼痛感,病人出院时也没有那么虚弱,和没有听音乐的病人相比,她们术后较短的时间内就可以坐起身来。

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