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There is indescribable squalor in those books.

There is in biology at the moment a sense of barely contained expectations reminiscent of the physical sciences at the beginning of the 20th century. 当时的生物学有一种感觉:几乎没有对以往20世纪初物理科学抱太大希望。
There is in fact another possibility, however. 然而,事实上另有一种可能性。
There is in these sounds nothing of the dreamy weaving of sentiments which casts such a spell over the musical lyricism of the romanticists; the emotions in them are sired by great and fully conscious intentions, governed by ideas, hence their unheard-of 在这些声音降这样一个咒语在浪漫主义者的音乐抒情性的没什麽梦想编织情绪;情感在他们由巨大和充分地神志清楚的意图首创,治理由想法,因此他们的无前例团结。
There is increasing trade protectionism sentiment against China. Textile will face a difficult road ahead. 三是针对我国的贸易保护升温,外贸环境不容乐观。
There is indeed the inexpressible。 This shows itself;it is the mystical. 522实际上存在着不可表达的东西;这显示了它的存在;它是神秘的。
There is indescribable squalor in those books. 那些书简直污秽不堪。
There is information that one of yesterday's air strikes severely damaged one of their communication and control centers and currently the Iraqi command has to control their units using VHF-stations and envoys which delays battle-orders and commands. 有消息说昨天的一次空袭严重损坏了伊军一个通讯控制中心,目前伊军指挥部不得不使用甚高频发射站和通讯员来控制伊军各单位,这使得战斗命令和指挥被拖延。
There is interference on vision, and for the moment we are continuing our program on sound only. 电视图像有干扰,我们暂时只有用声音继续我们的节目。
There is interstitial fibrosis with atrophic and dilated tubules containing eosinophilic casts, giving the appearance of thyroidisation of the kidney, so-called because of the resemblance to thyroid histology. 肾间质炎症,肾组织瘢痕形成,并伴明显的肾盂和肾盏的纤维化和变形,是本病的病理特征。
There is intolerable noise outdoors. 门外是难以忍受的嘈杂声。
There is just so much more a player can do without the form. 在奶树形态以外一个玩家可以做很多的事情。

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