On this street, there was a newsagent's where Tom Marvolo Riddle bought his diary (CS13).
汤姆.马沃罗.里德尔在这条街上的报刊经售人那买了他的日记本。 |
On this table, we could display a Guest Book (or several books for better convenience, because of loose-leaf design, several books could be gathered as one after all.), simple flysheets of brief introduction for MaShow Nature Club ( this could be later di
在这张桌子上可以放的东西有:一本纪念册(或多本,因为是活页纸本,可以分成好几本之后再收拾成一本)、「马修自然俱乐部」简介的小传单(这个可以稍后慢慢讨论),马修演唱会的正式广告单。 |
On this test track, the standard production cars will be subjected to rough treatment deliberately.
在这个试验车道,标准汽车成品将接受有意的毁坏性测试。 |
On this topic, scholars usually only cast back Augustine's argument, but it couldn't really open out the evolutional skeleton.
关于这个主题学者们多只追溯到奥古斯丁的著名论述,然而这无法真正地揭示其演变脉络。 |
On this trip, Hagrid got stuck in the ticket barrier and drew attention from the Muggles for knitting a huge yellow something or other, crammed into a seat much too small for him.
在这趟旅程中,海格在地铁验票口给卡住,后来他在车厢里编织一件黄色的大东西,还挤进了对他来说过小的椅子,因而吸引了很多麻瓜的注意。 |
On this view, the first Clinton administration was so wrapped up in its domestic agenda that it did nearly nothingwhile 800,000 people were slaughtered.
从这种观点来看,第一届克林顿政府是如此全神贯注于国内事务日程,以致于在80万人被屠杀时,该政府“几乎没”做什么。 |
On this view, the general is doing about as much as he can, given the constraints under which he operates—graphically illustrated by the periodic assassination attempts that have come close to killing him.
持这种观点的人觉得穆沙拉夫将军正在尽其所能与印度搞好关系,而且他还受到种种约束,比如那些差点置他于死地的定期暗杀行为。 |
On this vivid planet, it appears colorful with azure blue seawater, lush green plants and many world famous buildings.
在这个充满活力的星球上,蔚蓝的海洋,葱翠的树木以及许多世界著名的建筑使它变得多姿多彩。 |
On this website collect any flags of the related areas of Russia, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia. Otherwise, also collect any flags of the related areas of China.
这里收录了所有与俄罗斯、南斯拉夫、捷克斯洛伐克等国相关的国家、民族与地区的旗帜;另外,也包含了与中国相关的国家、民族与地区的旗帜。 |
On this world, person always appears very insignificant.
在这个世界上,人总是显得很渺小。 |
On this year of jubilee each of you shall return to his own property.
利25:13这禧年、你们各人要归自己的地业。 |