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Chitin A nitrogen-containing polysaccharide found in the cell walls of most fungi and in some animals.

Chisled men catch our eyes, but do rounder faces make for better partners? 五官轮廓分明的男人吸引我们的眼球,但是圆脸的男性伴侣是不是更好呢?
Chista: I know how to let them get the cheese. 琦莎:我懂得怎么叫他们进入不应期。
Chista: I'm here for the salvation. 琦莎:我到这里来……只是为了救赎。
Chista: What you wanna know? 琦莎:你想知道什么?
Chistoph K Scheck.Degradation of Phenol and Salicylic Acid by Ultraviolet Radiation/Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen[J].Wat.Res.,1995,29(10):2346. 胡德文,程沧沧.紫外-双氧水和亚铁离子体系对硝基苯光降解的研究[J].重庆环境科学,1999,21(3):34-36.
Chitin A nitrogen-containing polysaccharide found in the cell walls of most fungi and in some animals. 几丁质:在大多数真菌和一些动物的细胞壁中发现的含氮的多糖。
Chitin has a tight connection with human life. 甲壳素与人类的生命有着密切的关系。
Chitin is a natural polymer that has rich resources, its research and development have been paid much attention to in the world, the dea cetylation product of which-chitosan is widely used for its distinctive physico chemical and biological characteristic 作为一种资源极其丰富的天然高分子化合物,甲壳素的研究与开发受到各国的普遍重视,其经脱乙酰化的产物--壳聚糖因具独特的物化及生物学特性而被广泛应用。
Chitin is a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine. 几丁质是N-乙酰葡糖胺。
Chitin synthase is the important enzyme that converts UDP-GlcNAc to chitin. 摘要几丁质合成酶是生物合成几丁质的关键物质。
Chitin which absents in vertebrates and plants, is an integral structural component of insect cuticle and fungal cell wall and is a promising target of agrochemicals and drugs. 几丁质是昆虫表皮和真菌细胞壁的特征成分,由于存在的特殊性而成为农药和医药研发的独特靶标。

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