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It is clear that the cat has eaten it!

It is cleaner production's premises and gist that building policy and statute system in region. 摘要区域清洁生产政策法规体系的构筑是区域实施清洁生产工作的前提和依据。
It is clear from this statement that the creation of health is about much more than encouraging healthy individual behaviours and lifestyles and providing appropriate medical care. 从这个声明清楚的知道健康的创造比提供适当的医疗护理更多的是鼓励健康的个人行为和生活方式。
It is clear that by 2500 B.C., these three cities were well established and were thriving metropoli. 很明确的在公元前2500年,这三个城市已经形成,并且欣欣向荣。
It is clear that in order to be highly qualified for out future jobs, we should make every possible preparation. 显然,为了能够完全适应我们未来的工作,我们必须做好一切可能的准备。
It is clear that some cancer suriors hae more cognitie problems than others and many experience no problems at all. 显然,一些癌症幸存者相对于另一些在认知遇到更多的困难,但也有很多人一点问题都没有。
It is clear that the cat has eaten it! 很明显,是猫偷吃的!
It is clear that we cannot expect too much in the way of progressive or enlightened thinking from these reactionary authors. 很显然的,我们不能从这些食古不化的作家中期待进步跟启发性的想法。
It is clear that when students learn about local economics, history, culture, education, environmental conditions and technologies, and the inter-connectedness with that of their global neighbors, they begin to understand how their own thoughts, communica 我们希望孩子们学习到在今天或是未来世界中成功必需的技能;也希望能有安全及紧密结合的社区,供全球公民居住及在社区中互相学习。
It is clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is detrimental, or harmful. 译文:很明显,尽管自我意识是一种健康的品质,过分的自我意识却是有害的。
It is clear to all of us that two plus two is four. 二加二等于四对我们大家都很清楚。
It is clear why an egalitarian with control-freak tendencies might welcome such a system of bureaucratic controls on most of humanity that this would require. 很显然,有“控制狂”倾向的平等主义者可能会欢迎这样一个对多数人进行官方控制的系统。

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