Neither the user group, individual contributors, or the site sponsor, Lucite International (China) Chemical Industry Company Limited, are liable in any way whatsoever for the information supplied to or used from this site. |
中文意思: 信息使用团体、信息提供者和现场主办方-璐彩特国际(中国)化学工业有限公司对于所提供的信息或其使用均不承担任何责任。 |
Neither the performer nor ladybug is harmed du ring the effect!
无论是演员,也不是瓢虫伤害杜响效果! |
Neither the representative office of a foreign bank nor any of its workers may conduct any business activity in any form.
外国银行代表处及其工作人员,不得从事任何形式的经营性活动(《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》第57条)。 |
Neither the risk factors assumed by the guidelines nor the choice of empiric therapy was predictie of either the early treatment response or the final functional outcome of the peritonitis episodes.
抗菌素治疗的选择和疾病风险因素的认定对疾病早期治疗的反应或最终疾病的预后是不可预测的. |
Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders will inherit the kingdom of God.
那么,在性行为上的放荡,对女性(阴道)的崇拜,奸淫的妇人,同性卖淫者,同性恋犯罪者,这些也都是遗传自上帝的天庭。 |
Neither the truck nor the station wagon will be there.
卡车和旅行汽车都不会停在那儿。 |
Neither the user group, individual contributors, or the site sponsor, Lucite International (China) Chemical Industry Company Limited, are liable in any way whatsoever for the information supplied to or used from this site.
信息使用团体、信息提供者和现场主办方-璐彩特国际(中国)化学工业有限公司对于所提供的信息或其使用均不承担任何责任。 |
Neither they nor we want it.
我们和他们都不想要它。 |
Neither they, nor Sydney, will be the same again.
这些运动员和悉尼一样,将不再是原来的样子。 |
Neither this Contract nor any interest thereinshall be assignable without the prior written consentof the Seller.
未经卖方事先书面同意,本合同及合同项下的任何权益不得转让。 |
Neither was the form of the third skull entirely erectus-like.
形态上,第三个头骨也不完全像直立人。 |
Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.
29我也不再掩面不顾他们,因我已将我的灵浇灌以色列家。这是主耶和华说的。 |