Emphasis on speaking, writing, and reading skills for professional contexts.
强调专业内容的说、写和阅读技巧。 |
Emphasis on the two should be balanced for the following reasons: equal emphasis on the two is the fundamental way out of the crisis of credibility; credibility by virtue can compensate for the inadequacy of credibility by rule; equal emphasis on the two
现代诚信建设应该规范诚信与德性诚信并重,原因有三:一,规范诚信和德性诚信并重是现代社会摆脱诚信危机的根本出路;二,德性诚信可以弥补规范诚信的内在缺陷;三,规范诚信和德性诚信并重是中西方诚信建设的历史经验。 |
Emphasis placed on the cellular properties of neurons and other excitable cells.
重点关注神经元和其他易兴奋细胞在细胞水平上的特性。 |
Emphasis should be placed on increasing education in training and equestrian practices and on promoting scientific studies in equine health.
加强马术训练和实践的教育工作,促进马匹保健方面的科学研究活动。 |
Emphasis that the Sheraton Standard must be obey while arrange the office equipment such as computer and other automation system.
重点强调在安排办公室设备的时候,象电脑和其他的自动操作系统必须服从喜来登标准。 |
Emphasis will be on converting Zhu Yin Fu Hao (bopomofo) to PinYin.
这项专题著重如何将注音符号转换为拼音以及可用的中文软体。 |
Emphasize Reading manual carefully before using equipment.
强调在使用任何设备前应仔细阅读说明书。 |
Emphasize a kind of pure intension and graceful, found a kind of brand-new job market and work in the way.
强调一种纯粹的内涵与雅致,缔造一种全新的职场工作方式。 |
Emphasize brotherhood, altruism, and compassion in our daily lives.
在我们的日常生活中,强调兄弟关系、利他和同情精神。 |
Emphasize that every Rotarian should contribute every year to The Rotary Foundation.
强调每一位扶轮社员每年都要对扶轮基金捐献。 |
Emphasize the feel of each stroke phase being taught or improved - teaching aids such as paddles, fins, and surgical tubing may help to improve sensory input.
要着重讲授或改善每个划臂阶段的水感--讲授象划水掌、脚蹼和外科医用胶管等训练辅助物的使用,将会有助于提高感官知觉的输入。 |