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Glyceraldehydes (CHOCH (OH)-CH2OH) A simple monosaccharide bearing an aldehyde group.

Glutathione is the body's key defence for detoxifying harmful compounds implicated in cancer, diabetes, aging and other diseases and degenerative conditions. 谷胱甘肽有广泛的有益于人体健康的作用,能够去除与癌症、糖尿病、衰老及其他疾病有关的有害化合物的毒性,改善退化变性的状态,是机体关键防御卫士。
Glutenite reservoir characteristics are complicate, which is difficult to evaluate with well logging data. 摘要砂砾岩油藏岩性、物性、电性及含油性之间的关系复杂,测井评价困难较大。
Gluteofemoral Erythema of Pregnancy: A new Dermatosis of Pregnancy? 妊娠股臀红斑:一种新的妊娠皮肤病?
Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices. 暴饮暴食称为犬色之欲。
Gluttony kills more than the sword. 暴食杀人更甚于刀剑。
Glyceraldehydes (CHOCH (OH)-CH2OH) A simple monosaccharide bearing an aldehyde group. 甘油醛:分子式为[CHOCH(OH)-CH2OH],它是具醛基的一种简单的单糖。
Glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate is involved in many metabolic pathways. 甘油醛3-磷酸参与许多代谢过程。
Glycerate 3-phosphate (phosphoglyceric acid) The phosphorylated form of glyceric acid, a 3-carbon atom molecule. 磷酸甘油酸:(磷酸甘油酸)是甘油酸的3号碳位发生磷酸化后的形式。
Glycerate 3-phosphate is a precursor of the amino acid serine. 甘油3-磷酸是丝氨酸的前体。
Glycerate 3-phosphate is the first product of the dark reactions of PHOTOSYNTHESIS, formed by the carboxylation and cleavage of ribulose bisphosphate. 甘油3—磷酸是光合作用暗反应的一种产物,在二磷酸核酮糖的羧化分解后形成。
Glycerin is a thick sweet colorless liquid. 甘油是一种很甜且无色的浓稠液体。

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