There are three kinds of defense right in the Contract Law in our country: the counterargument right for simultaneous performance, counterargument right for security, right of plea against the advance performance. |
中文意思: 我国《合同法》规定了三种抗辩权,即同时履行抗辩权、后履行抗辩权、不安抗辩权。 |
There are three groups of people I want to thank: the Chinese Society for Science and Technology Journalism for the crucial part it played as co-organiser of the project; all the journalists across China who submitted work; and of course the judges who as
在此我想向三方团体表示感谢:感谢中国科技新闻学会,作为项目的协办方发挥了关键的作用;全国范围参与评选活动的众位媒体同仁;当然还要感谢各位评委,他们评选出了各项优胜奖和入围记奖. |
There are three important relations linking inflation, output, and unemployment.
有三种重要联系连接:通货膨胀,产出和失业。 |
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning, and yearning.
美好的生活有三个组成部分:学习、获得、渴望。 |
There are three kinds of Humans who lay in the dark.
停留在黑暗中的有三种人。 |
There are three kinds of balls.
总共有三种球。 |
There are three kinds of defense right in the Contract Law in our country: the counterargument right for simultaneous performance, counterargument right for security, right of plea against the advance performance.
我国《合同法》规定了三种抗辩权,即同时履行抗辩权、后履行抗辩权、不安抗辩权。 |
There are three kinds of drying systems: hot air drying, dehumidifying drying, and natural drying; however, hot air drying is the most popular drying system.
本研究的目的为探讨热能回收技术的效能,在热风干燥系统中设计和研制排放湿热气和进入空气接触的热能回收装置,达到加热进气温度,减少干燥作业所需能源。 |
There are three kinds of filter(white-black,color and specfic application),40 types in our factory with the size of M30、M37、M43、M46、M49、M52、M55、M58、M62、M82 and so on.you are welcome to contact with us if your requirement is special.
我厂生产黑白、彩色、特效三大光学滤色镜,共有40余个品种,其规格有M30、M37、M43、M46、M49、M52、M55、M58、M62、M82等.若用户需要特殊要求的光学滤色镜,欢迎来厂联系。 |
There are three kinds of goals: short-term, mediumterm and long-term goals.
目标有三种:短期目标、中期目标和长期目标。 |
There are three kinds of main products in our company including wire drawing machine, stranding machine, plastics extruder.These machines are the most main machine which manufacture electric wire &electric cable.
而主要业务为制造各项电线电缆机械整厂设备,主要产品共分三大类,分别为伸线机、绞线机、押出机,并可依客户需求的规格规划设计出符合客户所需求的机器尺寸。 |
There are three kinds of meaning in Qi: producing, life and organism's habits.
气具备三个基本的内涵:生成、生命、生态。 |