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Or a knife set and a sharpener. Sharpening's very important.

Or I'd set out a bowl of chips and salsa across the room. 或者我端出一碗薯条和调味汁让他在房间对面吃。
Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 申18:11用迷术的、交鬼的、行巫术的、过阴的。
Or a contract to hedge the weather risks affecting crop prices, rather than the future prices of those crops, would also be considered a derivative. 用于观察气候风险对谷物的价格影响而非这些谷物的期货价格也被认为是一种衍生工具。
Or a happy retirement card. 或者是快乐退休卡。
Or a hunchback or a dwarf, or one who has a defect in his eye or eczema or scale or crushed testicles. 20驼背的、矮矬的、眼睛有毛病的、长癣的、长疥的、或外肾损坏的,都不可近前来。
Or a knife set and a sharpener. Sharpening's very important. 或者是那套厨刀和磨刀石。磨刀很重要的。
Or a quake on the star's surface might have caused the massive eruption of energy. 一种理论是星球表面的地震导致了能源的突然释放。
Or a question like this: “Your son has a chicken breast!” 要不就是问:你儿子是鸡胸呢!
Or a stash of cocaine under the sink. 要不他们就是在什么神秘地方藏着可卡因呢。
Or a supplier in Des Moines needed confirmation that a small electronic part would be delivered as promised to a valued customer in Jackson, Mississippi, within twenty-four hours. 或者德梅因一个已做出承诺的供应商需要确认一个小型电子元件在24小时内能送到密西西比州杰克逊的一位重要客户手中。
Or a tough war with many casualties on both sides, followed by a long and painful occupation of a devastated country, becoming an endless quagmire as Iraq defies all efforts to impose democracy and stability? 或者是一场艰苦的战争,双方死伤惨重,历经时日才能占领一个行将瓦解的国家,而由于伊拉克拒绝实行民主稳定政策的一切努力,此役将永无止境?

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