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Oh, there’s a swivel leakage. Stop drilling, please.

Oh, the108 peal of the temple bell have start. 哦,除夕的钟声开始响了。
Oh, there is one bad point: Barcelona scraped through to the knock-out stages with a win over Werder Bremen at Camp Nou. 噢,有一点不足得是:巴塞罗纳在诺坎普球场以绝对优势战胜云达不莱梅获得小组出线。
Oh, there's a dragon, too. 喔,还有一只龙呢。
Oh, there's no use in talking to him,' said Alice desperately: `he's perfectly idiotic!' And she opened the door and went in. “唉,同他说话没用!”爱丽丝失望地说,“他完全是个白痴!”然后她就推开门自己进去了。
Oh, there's the buzzer. 哦,开演前的预备铃响了。
Oh, there’s a swivel leakage. Stop drilling, please. 哦,水龙头漏了,别打井了。
Oh, these are really cheap .Are they automatic? 这些真便宜,他们是自动的吗?
Oh, they are people in your family, right? 噢,他们都是你的家庭成员,是吗?
Oh, they′re my baby pants and shoes. 哦,是我的婴儿裤和婴儿鞋。
Oh, think twice, It's another day for you and me in paradise. 他向前走去,没有回头,假装没听到,在过马路时吹起了口哨,好像对自己经过那里而感到丢脸。
Oh, this is a part of educational reform. 哦,这个是我们教育改革的一部分.

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