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Refusing to allow any of his courtiers to follow him, he mounted his horse and rode away.

Refuse to heed anyone's advice-unless that person is willing to give you satisfactory evidence of the soundness of his or her counsel.You will save yourself from hucksters,the misguided,and fools. 除非有人愿意以足够证据,证明他的建议具有一定的可靠性,否则别接受任何人的建议,你将会因谨慎而避免被误导,或被当成傻瓜。
Refuse to let your trouble multiply,just take them one by one. 别让问题堆积如山,一个一个着手解决.
Refuse to let your troubles multiply, just take them one by one. 别让问题堆积如山,一个一个着手解决。
Refusing or impending government personnel in carrying out their duties according to law without the use if violence or coercion. (七)拒绝、阻碍国家工作人员依法执行职务,未使用暴力、威胁方法的。
Refusing to Attend any Activities of Customers by the Name of Insurance Service. 不以保险服务名义参加客户的私人朋友圈的活动。
Refusing to allow any of his courtiers to follow him, he mounted his horse and rode away. 他没有让侍臣随行,一个人骑上马出发了。
Refusing to defend parents, school, or country is disloyalty. 拒绝保卫父母、学校或国家即为不忠。
Refusing to give up or let go; persevering obstinately. 坚持不懈的,执意的拒绝放弃或听任的;顽固坚持的
Refusing to lie up, the retired worker took an active part in the work of the neighbour-hood committee. 这位退休工人不愿过悠闲的生活,而是积极参加居民委员会的工作。
Refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position; uncompromising. 不妥协的拒绝缓和态度,特别是极端态度的;不调和的
Refusing to talk to the Palestinians' two-headed monster will not make Hamas go away. 拒绝同巴勒斯坦的双头恶魔谈判不会使哈玛斯消失。

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