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With comfortable and innovation atmosphere at ACM, you have the opportunity to prove yourself and make your dreams come 1.

With cohort analysis and a constructed residence life table, the paper depicts the process of floating population's gradual precipitation and concludes that the longer migrants are living in the city, the bigger the probability for their long term residen 研究发现,外来人口在城市中“不断沉淀”、累积地沉淀,居留时间越长继续长期居留的概率越高,居留时间越长继续预期居留时间越长。
With collage and pastiche, the stylistic practice enhances the theme of the novel. 借助拼贴与仿作,小说在文体上进一步深化了主题。
With colonic involvement, perirectal fistulae are common. 累及结肠的直肠周瘘管常见。
With colonization, a new chapter began. Though the Dutch, Portuguese and the French made substantial forays, it was the English who had a lasting impact. 殖民统治下,新篇章开始了。通过荷兰,葡萄牙和法国制造出真实的掠夺,是英国产生了一种持久的影响。
With combining optimization method, an optimal model of determining synthetic surface roughness coefficient in film hole irrigation was developed. 实例计算与方法验证表明,该方法能够简单而有效地确定膜孔灌溉田面综合糙率系数。
With comfortable and innovation atmosphere at ACM, you have the opportunity to prove yourself and make your dreams come 1. 在盛美和谐创新的氛围中,你能得到机会充分展示你的才能,实现你的梦想。
With comfortable and innovation atmosphere at ACM, you have the opportunity to prove yourself and make your dreams come true. 在盛美和谐创新的氛围中,你能得到机会充分展示你的才能,实现你的梦想。
With commendable modesty, the editor has not included any of his own poems in the collection. 出于值得推崇的谦虚,这位编辑没有把他自己的诗收进这本选集。
With commerce growing rapidly between the two countries, China has become the third largest trading partner and fastest growing export market of the United States, while the United States is China's second largest partner and top source of FDI(foreign dir 中美经贸合作发展迅速,中国已成为美国第三大贸易伙伴和增长最快的出口市场,美国则是中国第二大贸易伙伴和最大外资来源地。
With commercial proprietary closed software, the opposite is true. 而对于商业的私有闭源软件,情况正好相反。
With commodity prices showing some recent weakness, Mr Rogers can answer your questions on the future direction of the market - has the commodity bull market burst? 就商品价格最近呈现的种种弱势,罗杰斯先生可以回答你关于市场未来走向的问题-商品牛市是否垮了?

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