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I'm getting goose bumps.

I'm getting a new computer for birthday present. 我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。
I'm getting awfully economical. 现在我是尽量精打细算。”
I'm getting behind (with my work). 我(工作)落後了.
I'm getting bored of this party, let's bust out of here before I fall asleep. 我对这个聚会开始厌烦了,趁我没睡着咱们赶紧离开这儿吧。
I'm getting fed up doing what amounts to little more than high school chemistry experiments. 做些和高中化学实验差不了多少的事情,我真受够了。
I'm getting goose bumps. 我起鸡皮疙瘩。
I'm getting married again, but keep it dark, will you? 我要再婚了,可要保密呀,行吗?
I'm getting married next week, but please don't let on (to anyone) (about it), will you? 下星期我就要结婚了,但(这事)请不要泄露(给任何人),行吗?
I'm getting off at the next stop. 我在下一站下车。
I'm getting sleepy. Wish we could stop for a bit. 爱蒙:我有点困了,希望我们可以停下来歇一会儿。
I'm getting tight on cash. What a place to have no service paid by credit card! 我手上的现金越来越少了!这是什么鬼地方,连信用卡都用不上。

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