Born February 9, 1954 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Christopher Gardner never knew his father.
克里斯托弗·加德纳于1954年2月9日出生在威斯康星州密尔沃基城。 |
Born Oct. 9, 1979, in Des Moines, Iowa and raised in nearby Norwalk (about 100 miles south of Woolstock, the hometown of TV's original “Superman,” George Reeves), the strapping 6'3actor-known to his friends and family and sometimes professionally credited
1979年10月9日出生于爱荷华州迪莫伊市,并在邻近的诺沃克(荧幕首位“超人”,乔治?里夫斯的家乡沃尔斯多克以南约100英里)长大,这位六尺三寸、身材魁梧的演员--被其亲友视为、有时则被称为专业“新闻学学士”--曾是一位高中游泳及足球运动健将,并主演了几部剧场制作片。 |
Born a free man, he was now in chains.
虽然生是自由的人,现在他却带着镣铐。 |
Born and bred in Omaha, Nebraska, for more than 40 years Buffett has lived in the same gray stucco house on Farnam Street that he bought for $31,500.
巴菲特在美国内布拉斯加州的奥马哈出生、长大,40多年来他一直居住的是法钠姆大街那栋自己以31500美元购置的灰色水泥墙的房子。 |
Born and raised in Portland Oregon, a typical American kid of his generation, Arthur Chin worked at odd jobs to earn extra money for flying lessons while still in high school.
出生在俄勒冈州的波特兰,一个典型的美国小孩,当亚瑟·陈还在读中学时,他靠打零工来赚取他飞行课程的所需费用。 |
Born as a free person, not as a slave or serf.
生来自由的天生是自由人,而不是奴隶或家奴的 |
Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race.
身为兽精灵领土的继承人,力丸接受了他族里最强悍的战士的训练。 |
Born at 8:12 a.m. by Cesarean section, Jack Allen is the son of Dan and Leslie of Menomonie. The couple has a three-year-old daughter, Allison.
来自梅诺莫尼的丹和莱斯利的儿子杰克·艾伦于当天早上8时12分被剖腹产出。这对夫妇还有一个三岁的女儿爱丽森。 |
Born for the challenges of the alpine, this shorter cut GORE-TEX? XCR? shell makes a strong statement of performance.
为阿尔卑斯登山挑战而生,这种短裁剪的GORE-XCR夹克提供了强劲的综合性能。 |
Born from Jan 20 to Mar 22:DaYun ,Zhu Yun, Ke Yun, Zhu Qi are all belongs to Wood.
初之气:(起运可以在大寒节之前3天左右)大运、主运、客运、主气的五行均属木,使得四季之春的木气过甚。 |
Born in 1770, Friedrich Holderlin was one of the great poets of German Romanticism.
弗瑞德利契.霍尔德林生于1770年,是德国浪漫主义的伟大诗人之一。 |