Defense building is crucial for national modernization and for safeguarding the sovereignty and welfare of the state.
摘要建立巩固的国防是我国现代化建设的战略任务,是维护国家安全统一和全面建设小康社会的重要保障。 |
Defense officials say they will have to cut back on training and equipment repair if there is not additional funding in the next few weeks.
国防部官员表示如果在接下来的几个星期内没有资金补充,他们不得不减少训练和设备维修支出。 |
Defense testing near the artist's home in Susanville, Calif., inspired Jean LaMarr's War In My Back Yard.
作者根据在自己位于加利福尼亚的家附近发生的一次军事演习创作了这幅名为《我家后院的战争》的作品。 |
Defense ties and potential contacts have quickly expanded between the United States and India since last year's agreement for the U.S. to cooperate with Indian's nuclear power industry.
自从印度和美国去年签署关于两国在印度核产业的合作的协议之后,两国的国防联系和潜在的合同快速的增长。 |
Defense witnesses mount various objections to DNA evidence.
辩方证人对dna证据提出了各种各样的异议。 |
Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification.
毫无防备的村庄遭受空中轰炸,村民被逐出村子,牛群遭遇机关枪扫射,棚屋因燃烧弹起火,这就是所谓的和平。 |
Defenses to patent infringement during patent infringement dispute embody the balance between patent protection and patent restriction.
发生在专利侵权纠纷中的专利侵权抗辩体现了专利权保护和专利权限制之间的平衡关系。 |
Defensibility ploys on important role on Chinese traditional residences.
摘要防卫性在中国传统民居中起的重要作用是不能够被忽视的。 |
Defensive - increases the chance to block; gives 4 exp to Defense per damage point.
防御-增加机会座;为了使实验4点防御每损坏. |
Defensive instruments such as gold and gold futures and capital-protected derivatives were another way to diversify and protect money against turmoil on the equity market.
诸如黄金、黄金期货和资本保值衍生物这类防守型金融工具是投资多元化和在股市下跌中保值的另一种方式。 |
Defensive players must be outside the center circle, at least 10 yards away from the ball, for the kickoff.
开球时防守一方的球员不得进入中圈(中圈半径10码,即9.15米)。 |