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The term “ship” includes the hull, materials and outfit, stores and provisions for the officers and crew, and, in the case of vessels engaged in a special trade, the ordinary fittings requisite for the trade, and also, in the case of a steamship, the mach

The term “goods” means goods in the nature of merchandise, and does not include personal effects or provisions and stores for use on board. 第17条“货物”术语是指具有商品性质的货品,不包括个人财物或船上供应品和储备品。
The term “organization” replaces the term “supplier” used in ISO 9001:1994, and refers to the unit to which this International Standard applies. Also, the term “supplier” now replaces the term “subcontractor”. 用词「组织」取代了以前使用的用词「供货商」,意思是使用本国际标准的单位。现在的用词「供货商」,即是以前的用词「分包商」,这些改变是因为与组织所使用字汇相对应。
The term “phishing” literally means “f ishing ” for users and can linguistically date back to the evolution of “ ph reak ( ph one f reak)” that usually connected with the activity of computer hacking. 「网路钓鱼」一词,字义上指「钓骗」使用者,其语意演化可追溯至「利用电话系统知识的手法」一词,通常与网路入侵活动相关。
The term “port inspection” means that the medicine inspection institutions determined by the State Food and Drug Administration conduct examination on the imported Drugs, which have arrived at the ports, in accordance with the law. 本办法所称口岸检验,是指国家食品药品监督管理局确定的药品检验机构对抵达口岸的进口药品依法实施的检验工作。
The term “property” includes domestic outbuildings, garages, walls, landlords' fixtures and fittings, etc., but excludes the value of the land. “财产”相应包含家庭室外建筑:车库、墙壁,物主的固定设施及装备,等等,但不包含土地的价格。
The term “ship” includes the hull, materials and outfit, stores and provisions for the officers and crew, and, in the case of vessels engaged in a special trade, the ordinary fittings requisite for the trade, and also, in the case of a steamship, the mach 第15条“船舶”术语包括船壳、材料和设备、高级船员和船员的给养,且若船舶受雇于特别运输,包括该特别运输所需的通常要求的装置,如果是汽船,包括属于船东所有的机器、锅炉、及煤和机舱贮备。
The term “soap opera” was coined by the American press in the 1930s to denote the extraordinarily popular genre of serialized domestic radio dramas, which, by 1940, represented some 90% of all commercially-sponsored daytime broadcast hours. “肥皂剧”这个词是20世纪30年代由美国媒体创造的,用来指风靡一时、到1940年已经占据了约90%的日间商业性广播时间的家庭类系列广播剧形式。
The term “the Grid” was coined in the mid1990s to denote a proposed distributed computing infrastructure for advanced science and engineering [34]. 这个名词诞生于90年代中期,用来表示一个为高级科学与工程技术提出的分布式计算基础设施[34]。
The term ”data” will include, without limitation, drawings, reproductions, specifications, photographs, reproducible copy, parts lists, plains, reports, computations and certifications, all terms are to be suitably prepared for shipment and must be packed “相关资料”包括以下内容,但不仅限于这些:图纸、复制品、规格、照片、可复制的拷贝、零件清单、图样、报告、计算和证书(证明文件),所有项目都应该准备好适于装运,而且必须按照有关管理分类和适用关税包装和运输。
The termagainst methoddenies the idea that we need normative criteria in scientific investigation and claims that irrationalism and science are in essence anarchic enterprises, that is,anarchist methodologies (the methodologies of non-normative methodolog 「什麽都行」的意义是允许使用各种不同的方法;「反对方法」不是要反对一切方法,而只是反对那种主张普遍性标准的一元主义方法论。
The term, Fraternity, in the United States often refers to a society of male university students. 兄弟会这个词在美国通常指由大学男学生所组成的一种社团。

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