A lip or perch at the edge where birds can alight before entering the water is an advantage.
最好在边缘弄点东西,便于鸟类降落在上面。 |
A liquid condensed from vapor in distillation.
蒸馏液;馏出物在蒸馏中,从蒸汽浓缩的液体 |
A liquid containing iodine dissolved in ethyl alcohol, used as an antiseptic for wounds.
碘酊;碘酒溶于酒精的碘的一种液体,用作防止伤口感染的药剂 |
A liquid crystal display structure in which switching transistors or diodes are attached to each pixel to control the on/off voltage.
液晶显示幕架构在方面哪个接通晶体管或者二极体附在要控制的每个象素上在上/离电压。 |
A liquid in which pigment is mixed to form paint; a type of paint of coloring matter used in painting.
绘画用的调和颜料的液体;艺术创作所使用的材料。 |
A liquid measure formerly used in Spanish-speaking countries, having varying value but equal to about16.2 liters(17 quarts) when used to measure wine.
厄罗伯曾用于西班牙语国家的测量液体的单位,容量不一,但量酒类时约等于16。2公升(17夸脱) |
A liquid oxygen release in the atmosphere generates a deep cloud made of moisture condensation. Do not expose yourself to the cloud.
液态氧在空气中释放会与空气中的潮气作用产生浓雾。不要进入到浓雾中或屏气不呼吸。 |
A liquor gun is a hand-held electronic device that with the assistance of a build-in micro-processor, dispense a predetermined measure of liquor.
这是一种手持式酒水分发器,它有内置的芯片,可以在倒酒时精确计量流量。 |
A list box is used to display a number of items in a list. The user may select an item from the list.
清单方块可以用来在清单中显示一连串项目。而使用者可以从清单中选择一个项目。 |
A list can be changed after it is constructed (we say that it is mutable), whereas a tuple cannot be changed (immutable).
一个列表创建之后可以被改变(我们说它是不定的),然而一个元组不能被改变(固定的)。 |
A list compiled each term by the office of a dean at a college or university, naming the students who have achieved a high grade-point average.
由学院或大学的系办公室开具的名单,列出平均积点高的学生姓名。 |