Visit cmodes software integration co., ltd. in and lead yourselves by the product ranges like Definition, Data management, Management systems in addition to Design management, Users, Product data management and Power transmission.
公司的详细介绍内包括关于运行管理系统、企业管理制度和设计管理的信息。 |
Visit customers regularly to promote Secco products and discuss technical requirements.
定期访问客户以推销赛科产品和讨论技术要求。 |
Visit friends or relatives you rarely see.
水瓶:多拜访很少见面的朋友和亲人吧。 |
Visit hebei jiheng group co., ltd. in Hebei and lead yourselves by the product ranges like Chlorine, Calcium, Ammonium in addition to Chloride, Micrometer, Plastic bag and Calcium.
针对辐射、发射、购物、(车辆上和盖货物的)帆布棚以及旅游、履行、塑料袋、化工原材料的报价会引起您的兴趣。 |
Visit one end user everyday.
每天拜访一家终端用户。 |
Visit suppliers and job sites (as required) to analyze and/or expedite material and equipment in accordance with project needs.
拜访供货商和工作现场(根据需要)来分析和/或发送材料和设备以满足项目需求. |
Visit the How to start..section to find more information on the steps of different levels collaboration. Please register as a member first.
先到音乐合作网的新闻首页或网上录音室处查阅如何开始细节文章.一般来说,每个项目开始时都有关于这个项目的细节介绍或想法,你需要先免费登记成为会员. |
Visit the Banpo Neolithic Village (Visit time probably 1 hours),then driving to The Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses.
参观半坡博物馆(游览时间约为1小时),然后乘车前往兵马俑博物馆。 |
Visit the Hot Wheels Factory on the second floor.
在二楼,参观一下风火轮赛车制造厂。 |
Visit the course website and read about your classmates' selections before class. We will review and discuss the sites in class.
浏览课程网站,并在课前阅读关于同学们选择的研究点的资料。我们将在课堂上回顾和讨论这些研究点。 |
Visit the exhibition or discover wonderful curiosities in artworks in the NGV Collection and make a magic world in a box.
欢迎来参观画展,在澳大利亚维多利亚国家艺术藏馆你将领略到艺术作品的奥妙,同时你可以在一个箱子里创造出一个魔幻世界。 |