Hairshirt” and “bed of nails” are unacquainted to Chinese people, but when a footnote is marked, the full meaning is revealed.
就像穿刚毛衬衣、睡钉子床一样,你越是不喜欢,就越觉得自己品行高尚。(注:刚毛衬衣、钉子床,系苦行者或忏悔者用来磨难自己的两种工具。) |
Hairy toes and feet are a distinct advantage,a okesman said Tuesday.
脚趾和脚多毛者将优先录用。” |
Hairy toes and feet are a distinct advantage,a spokesman said Tuesday.
脚趾和脚多毛者将优先录用。” |
Haisan Environmental Arts Company is a professional company specialized in interiors decorations and landscape gardening design and construction.
海山环境艺术公司是专门从事景观园林设计、施工的专业公司。 |
Haisan Environmental Arts Company is based upon environment, organically integrating gardening and decorative arts, utilizing the specialized technology on villa decorations and landscape gardening packaging.
海山环境艺术公司以环境为本,把景观艺术,园林和装饰艺术有机的结合起来,并把这种专业的技术充分的运用在景观园林包装方面。 |
Haiti and the Bahamas have the highest adult prevalence rates in the Caribbean, at 6 percent and 3.5 percent, respectively.
海地和巴哈马群岛成年人的盛行率在加勒比海区域排名最高,分别是6%和3.5%。 |
Haiti becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
1919年,海地成为布宜诺斯艾利斯版权条约的签字国之一。 |
Haiti played with a boy on the side of the mountain.
海蒂和一个男孩在山那边玩。 |
Haiti's U.N. ambassador said the death toll in the revolt is now about 60, and the country faces an abyss of civil war.
海地驻联合国大使说,冲突导致的死亡人数已达60人,国家正面临陷入内战的深渊。 |
Haiti's criminal justice system offers no formal process for freeing child inmates. Those who have been formally charged are often accused of crimes as vague as associating with bad people.
目前,海地的司法系统还没有释放少年犯的正式规定。这些少年犯的罪行通常被含糊地描述为“与坏人合夥……”。 |
Haiwen's view is that this is a less clear cut situation as compared to the PSAs because the term strikes is not expressly referenced in the PDA definition of Force Majeure.
海文的意见是较之PSA,此处的情形不是很明确,因为在PDA就不可抗力的定义中并未明确提及罢工。 |