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But it is urgent for our government to take actions to bring the internet under the law.

But it is unclear who will pay for this. 但是还不清楚这资金谁出。
But it is unlikely that it will ever kill you. 你如果笑得太厉害,会感到剧痛,那是你得膈肌收缩得结果。
But it is unlikely they will agree on much else, least of all any radical changes. 但他们却未必会对其它事情也赞同,尤其不能同意极端的改变。
But it is unlikely to have four times as many people. 但是,中国的人口不大可能一直是美国的四倍。
But it is unlikely to last, for the same reason. 但也正是出于同样的原因,这样的复苏不太可能持久。
But it is urgent for our government to take actions to bring the internet under the law. 而我们的政府采取紧急措施来约束因特网也是刻不容缓的事情。
But it is very important to have a good pair of shoes that were made especially for jogging. 但重要的是要有一双特别为慢跑制造的好鞋。
But it is very rare, I think, to find a person who actually lives as if they are radically unknown to themselves. 但我想,几乎不能找到一个好像对自己一无所知的大活人。
But it is what Kenyon has done in this country that is most illustrative of Chelsea's aspirations. 然而最能体现切尔西野望的是肯扬在国内所下的工夫。
But it is when God's children not only learn to pray for their immediate circles and interests, but enlarge their hearts to take in the whole Church and the whole world, that their united supplication will have power with God and hasten the day when it sh 但是只有当神的儿女不仅学习为他们就近的人或事祷告,并且扩充心怀为着全教会或全人类祷告时,他们这种合一的呼求才会得着神的能力,并促成“行在地上如同行在天上”这个日子的实际显出。
But it isn't just a fortune that's at stake here. 但这笔财产可不是树桩一样稳固的。

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