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Xy: I already know how to unseal the gate. I don't need any more experiments.

Xxx, I wish I could make friends quickly. 是阿,真希望交朋友是又容易又快的事。
Xxx, did you come from a big city or from a small town? 你问,我是从大城市还是小镇来的?
Xxx, having electronic tickets is very convenient. 用电脑订票是很方便的。
Xxx, there will always be heart-breaking tragedies in this world. 在这世界上,总难免有令人心痛的悲惨事件发生。
Xy: Hey, you know as well as I do that The Plan ain't going anywhere until we unseal that gate. 嘿,你和我同样知道,计划无法实施,除非我们开启那扇门。
Xy: I already know how to unseal the gate. I don't need any more experiments. 我已经知道了如何开启这扇门。我不再需要任何尝试了。
Xy: Yeah. I tried to send him though the Gate, and that big rune zapped him. Fifth one this week. 是的。我想让他穿过那道门,但那道符文轰飞了他。本星期的第五十一个。
Xy:--whatever.You want a duel,you've got it. 随便吧。你想决斗,那就来吧。
Xy:Hey, gang, no bickering! We're all part of one big evil team here, right? 嗨,伙计们,别斗嘴了!我们都是一个邪恶团队的一部分,不是么?
Xy:Now if you'll excuse me,I've got first-class villainy to perform. 现在,如果你不介意的话,我要表演一场一流的恶行。
Xy:OK, OK, enough. What we really need to do is regroup. 好,好,够了。我们真的需要做的就是重新整编。

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