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If we accept the timeline derived from the Deathday Party cake, Harry is telling Sirius about this incident in July of 1994, a half-year earlier.

If was propose that in the future, the scholar engaged in the analysis of basketball-related offending and defending technology, should consider the specific research object of the team as the sample for analysis, offer clear and effective data to the coa 建议日后学者从事篮球相关攻守技术分析时,应考虑以特定研究对象或球队为分析样本,提供教練及选手明确且有效的數据,作为高中篮球队及国家青年队训練的參考依据。
If was the last one they had and they sold it me at a knockdown price. 这是他们手中的最后一个,他们以低价卖给了我。
If water heater is full of hot water, open a hot water line at a faucet and allow all hot water to be flushed from the system. 若热水器充满热水,则打开热水管道上的水龙头,让热水从管道内排出。
If water is scarce and energy is abundant, for example, it is easy to desalinate and transport water; if energy is expensive, desalination and transport may be impractical. 举例来说,要是水很希罕而能量很丰富,就很容易将海水化淡,运输各地;要是能量很昂贵,淡化海水、运输各地的点子就可能不切实际了。
If we Japanese deal with things in earnest, we shouldn lose anything to Europe and America. 如果我们日本人热心做事的话,我们绝不会输欧美的。
If we accept the timeline derived from the Deathday Party cake, Harry is telling Sirius about this incident in July of 1994, a half-year earlier. 如果我们认可了从忌辰宴会蛋糕引出的年表,那么哈利是1994年7月告诉天狼星这件事的,还早了半年。
If we accept this decision, it could cost us a lot in the short term . However, it will be beneficial on the long run. 35接受这个决定在短期内我们要付出代价,不过从长远看是有利的。
If we accept this kind of tinkering, can't we accept cloning? 如果我们接受这种修补,那么我们为什么不能接受克隆呢?
If we acknowledge and value the sentience of all living beings, there can be no exception when it comes to our food simply because we enjoy the taste of another's body. 如果我们尊重所有的众生,那麽我们不能因为我们喜欢他们被烹调后的口味而将他们当做例外。
If we add the desulfurizer to the coke,the cost of the coke will increase by 35RMB per ton,however, the selling price of the coke with desulfurizer will be brought up by 50 TO 70 RMB per ton.Hence,we still benifit. 原煤加入脱硫剂后增加了原煤成本(每吨约35元),而加入脱硫剂的原煤销售时的价格可提高50—70元/吨,还是有利可图的。
If we all agree, let's wind up the discussion. 要是大家都同意的话,咱们这次讨论就到此结束。

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