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In IBM's finite-state machine, a given state may link more than two nodes.

In Houston, Texas, it was seen as the area's number-one employer, paying its staff oodles of money and providing them with top-notch benefits. 我到纽约来的时候总是住在这个旅馆里。这儿的一切都是最高级的,这儿的房间,餐馆,他们的服务都非常好;而且这个旅馆离我要去的大多数地方都很近。
In Huaibei Bright All High-tech Biochemical Co., Ltd, we insist the principle of high technology, true creditand the focus of development, fetch in modern management, advocate good enterprise culture and create our own brand. 淮北市博奥高科生物化学有限公司以“科技领先,诚信为本”为企业宗旨,以“发展”为中心,引进现代化管理,倡导良好的企业文化,打造企业品牌。
In Huang Chao-qin’s opinion, colloquialism should be learned from kids, which is the best way to fight against assimilation from Japan. 黄朝琴认为,反日本殖民同化,提倡白话文,应该由娃娃抓起。
In Huanghua, home to China's winter jujubes,we not only savored some tasteful winter jujubes,but also got some understanding of the 3,000-year-old history of jujube cultivation. 在被誉为中国的“冬枣之乡”的黄骅,我们既品尝了美味的冬枣,还了解了枣树三千多年的栽培历史。
In Hungary, I scored points but unfortunately our car was too light. 在匈牙利站,我拿到了积分,但不幸的是我们的赛车太轻了。
In IBM's finite-state machine, a given state may link more than two nodes. IBM的有限状态机里,某状态可能与两个以上的状态相连。
In ICT terms, the character set must be encoded as bytes in the storage, according to some conventions, called encoding. 在国际通信技术术语中,字符集必须按照一定的规定被编码成字符以便存储,这个过程称为编码。
In IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook rankings 2006 released on Wednesday, China and India have leapt up the rankings, China from 31 to 19 and India from 39 to 29. 星期二发布的IMD世界最具竞争力2006年度排名中,中国从第31名跃居为19名,印度从39名跃居为第29名。
In IMS / VS,the priority to which a transaction is raised when the number of transaction enqueued and waiting to be processed is equal to or greater than the limit count value. 在虚存信息管理系统(IMS/VS)中,当进入队列并等待处理的事务数大于或等于极限计数值时一个事务所能增加的优先数。
In IP phone system, the application requires to use abundant system resources of servers, which often causes a choke point in the server. 摘要IP电话系统中,因多用户并发访问,服务器的资源处于瓶颈状态,严重影响了系统的性能。
In IRV, the Indy Robot Racing Team demonstrated a “plug and play” system for sensors, a feature that is probably a prerequisite for the creation of an autonomous vehicle industry. 英迪机器人赛车队的IRV示範了感测器的「随插即用」系统,这很可能是催生自主车辆产业的必要条件之一。

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