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A potential yield response of 300kg lint/ha is projected if these recommended amounts of potash were used, which translates into a market value of 2.448 billion yuan.

A pot culture experiment was carried out to study the effect of different phosphoric fertilizer rates on sucrose content and agronomic traits of winter wheat. 摘要利用盆栽试验,研究不同供磷水平对小麦植株体内无机磷与蔗糖含量及经济性状的影响。
A potato consists mainly of starch. 马铃薯的主要成分是淀粉。
A potential eight Chelsea players could be in action inside Holland's Amsterdam Arena on Wednesday night as part of this week's international fixture programme. 周三晚上在荷兰的阿姆斯特旦有一场国际友谊赛,可能有8名切尔西球员在场。
A potential fart will contain a greater proportion of inert, non-odorous nitrogen, the longer it is held inside the body. 空气在体内停留的时间越久,尚未放出的屁中含有惰性、无臭的氮气的比例就越高。
A potential shortage of coins in the United States could mean all those pennies in your piggy bank(1) could be worth five times their current value soon, says an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. 芝加哥联邦储备银行经济学家说,美国潜在的硬币短缺将使你存钱罐中的美分价值增长四倍。
A potential yield response of 300kg lint/ha is projected if these recommended amounts of potash were used, which translates into a market value of 2.448 billion yuan. 如果施用推荐用量的钾肥,预计增产潜力为300公斤/公顷,市场价值为24.48亿元。
A potentially even more interesting application could involve prompting cloned stem cells to differentiate into cells of the blood and bone marrow. 还有一种应用可能更为有趣,这或许和诱导复制干细胞分化成血球与骨髓细胞有关。
A potentially lethal drug has been loosed upon unsuspecting kids looking for a quick high. 有致命危险的毒品一直毫无顾忌的毒害着那些寻找刺激的无戒备之心的孩子.
A potentially renewable resource can be renewed fairly rapidly (hours to several decades) through natural processes ,examples of which include forest trees,grassland grasses,wild animals,fresh lake and stream water,groundwater,fresh air,and fertile soil. 有潜在再生能力的资源能够通过自然过程相当快速地(几小时到几十年)再生,例如包括树木,草地青草,野生动物,淡河溪水,地下水,新鲜的空气和肥沃的土壤。
A potter is making pottery by hand. 陶器匠正用手做陶器.
A pound today buys much less than it did a year ago. 今天一英镑远远买不到一年前能买的那麽多东西.

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